Where is he?!

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Hey guys sorry I didn't post for awhile, I was busy with a lot of things and I forgot I made a story. Whoops 😅, I'll try to continue this and update it as much as possible.

Kuroko's P.O.V

I woke up about 30 minutes in which was weird. But I felt anxious because of Aomine finding out and him staying over and sleeping right next to me. I looked over to Aomine and he was cuddling the pillow and his separate blanket. I chuckled softly and stroked Aomines face then got up and yawned. "Mm.." I looked over to Aomine to make sure he was still asleep, he was so I went downstairs and started making some onigiri.

3rd person P.O.V

After Kuroko finished making his onigiri he went back to his room and sat down at his desk and started to eat it. Aomine started waking up and he yawned, which startled Kuroko and he jumped a little bit dropping his onigiri which made rice go everywhere on the floor. Aomine looked to Kuroko and sat up. "Sorryyy" Kuroko started picking up the rice grumbling and mocking Aomine under his breath. Aomine didn't hear but he did take one of Kuroko's onigiris which after Kuroko threw away the rice from the floor, and came back Aomine was still eating it which made Kuroko a little agitated and sat back down eating some more giving Aomine one more and then finishing the rest. Aomine ate the onigiri and got up. "What should we do?" Aomine asked and looked to Kuroko. "I don't know, what do you want you to do?" Kuroko got up and started walking out of the room as Aomine followed. Kuroko put his plate on the counter and turned to Aomine. "Wanna play a video game or something?" Kuroko asked and pointedover to the livingroom."Sure"
Aomine walked over to the living room and sat down. Kuroko walked over and turned on the TV and grabbed the controllers and handed one to Aomine and sat down next to him.

⏳~Time Skip~⏳

Kuroko was out walking #2 after Aomine left and went home. Kuroko stopped by the park and let #2 run around with other dogs. Kuroko sat down and watched #2 and smiled. Kuroko went on his phone and started playing a game on it. He didn't notice #2 getting out through a hole under the fence until a little bit later when he was ready to leave and looked up and called for #2. "Nigō! Come on its time to go home." Kuroko waited for him to come but he never did. Kuroko started looking around the dog park area and started getting more anxious. He looked around the whole park and couldn't find him. "Nigo!" Kuroko started tearing up looking around trying to see if he just missed a spot to look. He then saw Kagami playing basketball and #2 sitting under the bench watching Kagami. Kuroko ran up to #2 and picked him up before falling over the bench. Kagami looked to him startled. "Uh, Kuroko? What're you doing?" Kuroko sat up showing him #2 and was blushing from embarrassment. "Nigō ran off.." Kagami laughed and walked over to Kuroko holding out his hand waiting for Kuroko to grab it. Kuroko grabbed his hand and Kagami helped him up then noticed Kuroko didn't have his crutches. "Are you doing better? You don't have your crutches so I could assume you're okay but I don't know." Kuroko smiled. "Yep, I am a okay now so don't run into me again and make me hurt my leg again or, I'll do the same to you." Kagami smiled. "Yeah sureee~" Kuroko glared at him and started putting #2 closer to Kagami. Kagami backed away until he hit the chain linked fence around the basketball court and gagged when #2 licked his face. Kuroko laughed and pulled #2 away.

Later Kagami and Kuroko played a couple rounds against each other of basketball Kuroko obviously lost so now Kuroko has to wear this:

Later Kagami and Kuroko played a couple rounds against each other of basketball Kuroko obviously lost so now Kuroko has to wear this:

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after a game. Kagami knew there was another practice game but he didn't tell Kuroko. He just told him he needs to wear this after their next real game or practice game and Kagami will bring the outfit. Kuroko agreed thinking Kagami would go a little easier on him but nope obviously not.

~Time Skip~⏳

Kuroko went to practice as usual, and was shocked to see Aomine and Kise wearing match uniforms? Then he saw other members of the generation of miracles and was shocked. "Um?" Kuroko looked to Kagami. Kagami also looked confused as they both starred at each other. "I am not doing that one thing after this game." Kuroko snarked and glared at Kagami. Kagami smirked. "Are you too embarrassed?~ or are you too scared?~" Kagami laughed, Kuroko nodded which surprised Kagami but not too much. Kuroko walked to the locker rooms and got changed into his uniform and walked back out and sat down on the bench. He looked to Riko and asked why the Generation of Miracles were here and she smiled and said. "They'll be good practice and they all didn't have school today." "Why?" Kuroko asked and looked to them. Riko shrugged her shoulders. Kuroko got up and walked over to Kagami and started talking to him until he felt someone watching him. He stopped and looked back and saw no one looking. He shrugged it off, and waited for the game to start.

It was going alright during the game until Midorima bumped into Kagami and missed one of his shots. Midorima was aggravated and started missing more. Everyone was confused, especially Aomine and Moimoi. It all started happening after Kuroko was benched because his misdirection wasn't working anymore. Nobody thought it was Kuroko getting benched was the reason. But they benched Midorima and let Aomine in as a replacement. Kuroko got up and walked out of the gym and sighed. Midorima came out following Kuroko. "Kuroko?." Midorima sounded very stern which made Kuroko jump. "Hm..?" Kuroko looked to Midorima. "Is that smell coming from you? Because if so try to contain it." Kuroko looked confused. 'Smell? I shouldn't have a smell..' Kuroko thought to himself and smelt himself. "What smell?" Kuroko question until he smelt a strong scent coming from Midorima. Kuroko got up and ran inside locking Midorima outside. 'Damnit. I forgot that Alphas can smell pheromones from an omega that's out of heat when they're in rut. But what should I do if Midorima tells someone should I ask Aomine? No no I can't do that I asked him for help already and he's playing a game. What should I do though? They're going to notice Midorima not here. Wait! I could see if anyone has rut suppressants and I'll give those to him, hopefully its not to late.' Kuroko ran to the locker room and looked through his players things looking for the pills and eventually he found some and ran back to the door but it was already opened!

Sorry it took so long to update I was sidetracked so much today and I totally forgot I even made a story on here. Byee

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