How'd he find out?!

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At the end of the game they said thank you for the game and bowed. Aomine kept staring at Kuroko until Kuroko finally left and went back to his school.

Aomines P.O.V

It's been about a week since I last saw Kuroko and since the accident. The guy from the bathroom kept on saying stuff about the omega that was in the bathroom and he would've done something if I didn't show up. Which really annoyed me. He kept talking all this and that, I tried to ignore him but sometimes I wanted to just put him in his grave a little early. I'm guessing the only way he found out is from the pills on the floor. I'll just need to ask Kuroko and see if he'll tell me. I took out my phone and texted Kuroko 'Hey, can I come over for a little to hang out after school?' I waited for Kuroko to answer and sighed walking to the Gym to go and practice. An hour later Kuroko finally wanted to answer and said 'What time?' I sighed and was a little pissed since it took an hour to say those simple of words. I told him the time and he said okay.

⏳~Time skip~⏳

I arrived at Kuroko's house and sighed walking up to his house and knocking on the door. I waited for a little then the door started to open. I looked up and who I saw wasn't Kuroko so I was a little confused. "Is Kuroko here yet? He said we could hang out." The girl said to come in and told me how to get to Kuroko's room. I went to his room and knocked on his door. I heard a faint come in and I walked into his room walking over to him. Kuroko looked exhausted and seemed to be half awake. I smiled to myself and sat down on his bed next to him looking at him. "What should we do..?" I heard Kuroko say and looked down a little knowing if we did something I would forget to ask him the question. Kuroko looked at me confused "Everything okay?" I looked up and sighed. "I need to talk to you about something.. I know you would've told me if you wanted to but I need to hear it from you.." Kuroko looked like he was trying to figure out what I was going to ask him so I finally decided to ask. "Are you an omega?" Kurokos face went white he looked like a ghost, I wanted to chuckles but I know this is probably shocking for him to hear that from me. I looked him in his eyes and he was tearing up! I hugged him, but he pushed me away.

Kurokos P.O.V

I can't believe Aomine just asked that.. I don't know what to say. What if he tells coach and they say I can't play anymore!? Or if another team hears about this would they use this against me!? I can't I don't know what to say! I started tearing up and I think he noticed cause he hugged me? I pushed him away. He probably came here to make sure he knows my weakness or my team's weaknesses... He's usually never like this. I mumbled out some words and I don't think he knows what I say since he asked "what?" I shook my head and looked away from him wiping my tears. I managed to get out a few words.. "D-don't tell anyone...!" I waited for his response. "I won't Tetsu, I just wanted to make sure. And I won't use this against you. I was wondering why you never told me.." He sounded... upset? I looked to him and sighed. "I didn't want anyone to know cause they always think omegas are supposed to stay and not do anything and that they are just here to give birth... So I thought I would be kicked off the team.." Aomine looked shocked and looked down. "I wouldn't have told any of them. And we all would've been mad if you were kicked off the team." They would have? But I didn't do to much.. I hugged Aomine tightly and he hugged back I smiled. Aomine said I should take a nap since I look tired to be honest I just woke up from a nap but I'm not going to complain about getting another nap in. I wasn't to worried about him telling anyone because he keeps his word. I layed down and got under my covers and fell asleep almost instantly after touching my pillow.

3rd Person P.O.V

Aomine chuckled looking at Tetsu and brushed back his hair behind his ear and smiled. He was debating on if he should leave yet or wait for him to wake up but he layed down next to him and grabbed a different blanket and fell asleep.

Sorry I haven't been posting to much I mean not like many people were really caring but y'know anyways byeeee

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