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I sprayed some air freshener and put my robe on. I moved the chair and unlocked the lock opening the door.

I stepped out into the hallway crossing my arms looking at him "What do you want?" I crossed my legs feeling Magnus cum coming down my leg.

He looked at me weird "What were you doing?"

"Rubbing my pussy and was about to get in the shower before you interrupted me. You wanna smell my fingers?"

He shook his head brushing me off. "Listen I don't want to fight. I should have asked you before getting her name tattooed on me."

"Yeah you should have" I uncrossed my arms and put them on my sore hips. "Listen I really don't want to have this conversation right now, I'm tired"

"Can you at least come back to bed?" He said hopefully

I kissed his cheek "Maybe another night Julian. I just need a night to calm down."

He nodded his head and I went back into the room putting the lock on the door and the chair against it. I went to the bathroom and Magnus was in the showering looking like he was ready to get fucked on again.

"Goddess I'm thinking you want me to be your secret"

I took my robe off and got in the shower with him wrapping my arms around him "My favorite secret"

"Until you're a widow" he kissed me
"Are you going to America next week?"

"Sadly" I looked up at him

"So sad. I won't get to see my beautiful goddess" he kissed my head.

"Well I'm going with my dad..."

"And?" He looked down at me grabbing my ass

"Maybe we could spend three days together? I'm sure he won't mind if I went shopping"

"I'm starting to think you actually like me goddess"

I shrugged "I'm taking a liking to Russians"

I woke up and Magnus was still in bed with me. I checked my phone and it was 10:40Am. I had a message from my dad.

'Tell your friend to leave Rome. You're being wreckless "

I heard a knock at the door "Rome it's me" I heard my dad's voice.

I got out of bed and fell on the floor. Magnus rolled over and laughed at me "I'll get the door" he said

"Magnus No!" I whispered yelled
But he was already up and walking across the room butt ass naked like it was his house.

He opened the door and stayed behind it and my dad came in giving me a very disapproving look. He turned around then turned back around shaking his head "Put some fucking clothes on Magnus"

"I'm sorr-" I started but he cut me off.

"Rome do you know how fucking wreckless that was?"

Magnus came over putting his pants on and sat down on the bed "I know but Julian did something really fucked up last night and Magnus came over. Well he was already here" I tried explaining

My dad sat in the chair "I know what he did and I know it would fuck with you but you need to focus on what the fuck we're trying to do" he looked at Magnus "And stop creeping outside my damn daughter's window like a stalker"

"I am a stalker Ricardo"

My dad looked at me "Your choice in men is baffling"

"No worries I will return to Russia today" he put his arm around me

"Tonight," my dad said "It's daylight outside and guards are everywhere. There's no way you can get out without being spotted"

Magnus laid his head in my lap "I guess we'll just have to spend the day together in bed huh goddess?"

"I guess so" I shrugged looking down at him smiling. I looked up at my dad "Well I have an idea that could benefit us all"

"What's that?" My dad said

"Julian was adamant about having Magnus on his side, obviously fake or not that's not happening. What if we ask Oskar. He can say he's tired of risking their reputation."

"How would we even set that up," my dad said "Oskars in Russia"

"Fly him in. Make sure he gets here by 8. You and Julian go to dinner with him to discuss the refusal. Oskar and Magnus gets into a disagreement and that can plant the seed"

My dad nodded his head "That's good"

"I'll call Oskar letting him know to fly in tonight." Magnus said pulling out his phone

"Magnus. If Rome leaves this room it's a hiding space in her closet. It pushes open. Stay in there while she's gone"

"Got it"

"I don't understand why he keeps fighting the chicken?" Magnus said looking irritated

"Because it's funny" I shook my head

"Americans" he shook his head.

"Russians" I shook my head and he glared at me.

He flipped me over and got on top of me. I grabbed his arm and twisted it putting my legs on his shoulders and pulling. He grabbed my hips and lifted me off the bed slamming me on the floor.

"You want to play?" He asked

"If you can handle it. I heard Russians are very soft" I teased him


He grabbed my throat and swung me into the wall. I grabbed the back of my head "Shit" he came up trying to kick me but I beat him to it and kicked him in his dick and he fell to the ground. I kicked him over on his back and got on top of him and he grabbed my hips flipping me around grabbing my throat tight and choking me. I scratched his eyes and he gripped my throat tighter.

"Give up?" He asked

"Fuck no"

I reached over grabbing my shoe and hit him with it repeatedly until he let go and I grabbed my throat breathing hard. I got up and punched him in the face then he punched me and I started laughing. He started laughing with me and pushed me up against the wall kissing me.

He pulled his shirt off of me and lifted me up. "See soft," I said biting his lip.

"I'm anything but soft right now

"I'm anything but soft right now goddess"

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When In Rome (WIR Book 1. Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now