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"Actually, I need to speak to you alone." I said to Julian "Oskar you got this."

I handed him the contract and stood up walking out with Julian following behind me.

We went outside and I lit up a cigarette "How long have you been married?"

"4 years."

I nodded my head "You know I read some where that the 7th year of marriage is the hardest. You know temptations, your used to each other, kids probably running around irritating the shit out of you. You got any kids?" I took a puff

He looked genuinely confused "No"

I nodded my head thinking about what we found and on the file we drew up for him.

"So why'd you start cheating on her? From what I was told she only seen you. For a while at least" I smirked at him

He glared at me then started laughing "Rome would never be interested in you. And she would never cheat on me. She takes me back. She always does. So whatever crush you have on my wife you can-"

"Can what?" I put my cigarette out "Let me tell you how this is going to end. Rome is going to be mine. Simple as that. Now, how she becomes mine is up to you. Reputation is everything is it not?"

He pulled on his jacket "Let's entertain your idiotic idea of taking my wife. Your reputation will go down. Again. You'll lose millions of dollars. Allies-"

"Does Rome know of the women that you killed because you got them pregnant?" I rubbed my hands together "Rome is way beyond a woman for you. I wondered how you managed to marry Rome and I figured it out. You manipulated a minor into loving and marrying you. Sad." I clasp my hands together "but let's go back to my future wife. I hope you choose the easiest route"

"I'm just saying brother. You should tread carefully. Julian wasn't wrong when he brought up our reputation" Oskar said

"Everyone's reputation is at risk in this situation. Do you know how many turned a blind eye. How many people he paid off?"

"I know." He sighed "Ricardo must know something else. Something he isn't telling us. Though women aren't very...important in this world, Rome is a known woman. People respect her"

"She's an assassin too. Ricardo trained her very well"

"Nobody would suspect her as one. That's the perfect killer. Men are weak to women no matter how much of a mans world it is."

"I wish I could just take her. Would be so much easier"

We both started laughing then heard a knock at the door. He grabbed his gun walking to the door then chuckled opening the door.

"Am I interrupting Oskar?" I heard my goddess voice

"Of course not. I was just leaving" he stepped to the side and she walked in looking beautiful as always.

"You look beautiful Rome" my brother said to her

"Thank you Oskar"

She walked over and sat in the chair in the corner of the room. "Goddess my lap is available. Face too"

"The contract." She started, looking at me "Will be signed or not in a month. I tried looking in the USB but that clearly wasn't a choice." She looked over at me then Oskar "What are you guys not telling me? Does it involve my dad?"

"We're not exactly sure." Oskar said "but were missing something. And it worry's me that you don't know what it is either"

"Okay we'll start an off the record investigation. Nobody knows but the three of us" she said "something serious must be up if he isn't telling me"

When In Rome (WIR Book 1. Unedited)Where stories live. Discover now