Kei scoffed, grabbing Natsu's present," We don't NEED it right now. Besides, Prompto surprisingly lives only a few blocks away—there's not much of a point for us to use it other than the excuse of your laziness."

Prompto's house was indeed close to your home. Turning right, opposite from your usual direction to school towards the block of the main road, the three of you walked along the quiet residential side street. The sidewalk was lighted by black lampposts, the sky a serene midnight blue, sprinkled lightly with stars. The moon was out as well, and in its full round figure, glowed a soft white. As you progressed down the street, the houses gradually went from medium sized ones to large mansions and even estates in between.

Finally, you came to a black mailbox on a wooden stand that had balloons in multiple shades of blue strung on the handle of the flap. The house that it was in front of had a high brick wall surrounding it, its white gate for the driveway open with a lighted arch of Christmas lights atop. As you walked through, you found that to your left, a lawn rested in front of the house with a lone marble walkway leading up to it. Directly in front of the house, the walkway expanded into a platform that was surrounded by hedges on either side where small reflecting pools followed them as they went in. Four circles of flowers were distanced in each corner.

The house itself was made of white, smoothed out cement and a rouge shingled roof. There were many windows, and two columns on each side of the extended shade arch that led to the opening had spiraled, multicolored Christmas lights on them. In the middle of that celling, a simple rectangular light fixture hung, brightly illuminating the already lighted area further. A small flight of steps led to the open double doors, balloons hanging from the corner of them with streamers going across in a welcoming manner.

Coming to the archway, you slowed to a stop, falling behind the twins. Taking notice, they turned around and looked at you curiously as you watched through the large windows at the teenagers inside goofing off. Apparently, the party hadn't started yet, but there was fun already in the air. Your eyes shifted away from them though, and your head snapped towards the left balcony when you heard you were being called. On it was Prompto, who grinned and waved his hand over his head, sporting a long sleeved white V-neck and ripped skinny jeans. Noctis was with him, in the same outfit, only with combat boots rather than Converse.

"Ah~, you look adorable Ami!" Fai smiled, approaching your trio from inside in a plain shirt and jeans. "You boys look great too—like Korean idols," he nodded towards the twins as he took the present from Kei's hands.

"You're dressed up pretty casually," Kai noted, pursing his lips. "Are you not staying?"

"I'm an adult," the blonde rolled his eyes. "So along with the others of my sad little bunch, we'll be heading out in a little bit."

"To where?"

"Seventh Heaven," he shrugged. "Besides, I trust that the older teens will look after the younger ones."

"Fai, I'm gonna get—ah!" Immediately recognizing the voice, a smile spread across your lips, the purple haired teen that was at the bottom of the steps had his eyes widen as you ran up to him, and he caught your jump on him with a hug, spinning you around. "Hey you~!" he exclaimed with a grin.

"Koji!" you squeezed him tightly for a moment before setting yourself down. "How have you been!? How is everyone?"

"," he turned to Fai with a smile and bowed. "If I may Fai-san, I'd like to speak with Amaya-chan privately. I'll let Aoi-san know I dropped off Natsu-kun's present and all."

"Why of course," Fai nodded. "C'mon boys, follow me."

Koji sighed, scratching the back of his head as he led you towards the shadows under the tree of the left side of the house," Why haven't you called us!? That's the whole reason you have a phone! We've been worried sick about how things have been going for you [Name]!"

[KH/FF] Treachery of Fate: Imperfect ImposterWhere stories live. Discover now