Start from the beginning

She stood by his side as he stopped at a door, and used the key handed to them by the concierge to open the door. He swung it open, and held it for Daisy as she walked in first.

Large windows covered an entire wall, the lights from whatever city they were in shined through and dimly lit the dark room. A large neatly made bed sat opposite the window.
Daisy was too busy looking around at the intricate details to had noticed Kai walked in and already opened a bottle of champagne.

The foam quickly spilled onto the carpet and Daisy burst into laughter as Kai struggled to catch it with his mouth. He eventually gave up, letting the alcohol spill onto the white shiny floors.

Daisy walked further in, letting herself take a moment to breathe as she looked outside. "Where are we?" She asks, examining the skyline.

"Richmond." Kai says, searching through the cabinets for champagne glasses, assumedly.

Daisy nodded, before stretching with a satisfied exhale. She took off the large coat that she'd had on for just a minute too long. She wished she was in something a little more flattering than a hospital gown as she caught her reflection in the window. She laughed as she sat on the soft bed, in disbelief as to where they were and how they got here.

Her bones ached, and she wanted nothing more than to fall back into the bed and pass out. Kai walked over to her with a glass and she accepted it, clinking it against his. "Cheers to becoming the leader of your coven, and getting us a fancy hotel room." She nodded, before taking a sip.

Kai scoffed, before falling back on the bed himself. "Where do you want to go?" He asked.

Daisy turned around and looked at him with narrowed eyebrows as he lay back on the bed, eyes on the ceiling. "What do you mean?" She responded.

He leaned up. "I mean, unless you want to stay in Virginia. But there's a strange amount of vampires walking around here, so- maybe not."

"Wait like-" Daisy was taken aback. "Like live somewhere?"

"Preferably, yes." Kai responded.

Daisy smiled, returning her gaze to the window as she processed his words. She hadn't even had a second to sit down and think about this, about what happened next. They were finally able to live out their lives- no more chaos. "Hm." Daisy let out. "Some place warm." She said. "I liked San Diego. But I was there alone so it could be different. And Miami was nice too but it'll probably be too touristy."

Kai watched her as he spoke. "We can try them both. We can go all over the country." He said, leaning on his side. "We can go to Europe or—"

"Venice." Daisy said excitedly, turning to face him. "Or Santorini."

Kai nodded. "We can do whatever we want."

Daisy took another sip of the champagne in her hand, smiling softly. She thought over his words, trying to imagine how much her life is going to change for the better. Finally, she could rest. She wanted to cry with excitement, knowing that all this pain was worth something. She was finally getting a break.

She turned to him as he lay back on the bed, remembering the question she was going to ask a few minutes ago. "What did Josette mean earlier?" She asked.

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