Unfinished (SPN x TGWDLM)

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So, this is part of an incomplete draft I have for a Supernatural and The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals crossover. I started writing in the middle, but I'll try to summarize the idea I had going to that point.

So, the premise of this fanfic is that several of our favorite SPN characters, (those being Sam, Dean, Gabriel, Rowena, and Crowley), discover that the apotheosis is happening in Hatchetfield, and that it has managed to start spreading throughout the country. They are unable to stop it, at least for now, and hunker down in the bunker with someone who managed to survive the initial outbreak, Emma Perkins. So, they're now attempting to find a solution for stopping or curing the infected, all while avoiding becoming a part of their musical number.

Now, you might be asking where Cas is in all this. He was out on some mission thing, I never fully figured out what, and has just returned to the bunker by the time that this excerpt starts. Destiel tensions are occurring and whatnot. (I apologize in advance for how I write romance.)

This excerpt/scene/thing has little editing done from when I first wrote it, just so y'all know.

Alrighty, here we go.


Cas pulled Dean aside after they had finished conversing about their plan for dealing with the infected. His steps were floaty, something Dean had realized his friend had been doing a lot lately, walking around as if he were dancing. But they'd tested him, he couldn't be infected. Dean kept telling himself that; Cas was fine. Sammy was fine. They were all going to be fine.

To be fair, he also kept getting distracted by Cas' eyes whenever he even considered thinking about the not-dancing. They were a bright, beautiful, blue. Wait, beautiful?

Dean didn't have time to ponder his internal compliments about Cas' eyes as the aforementioned angel pulled him into a secluded room in the bunker.

"Dean, I've been wanting to tell you something, for a while now, and, I thought it'd be best since we're facing another apocalypse, to finally let you know."

Dean's heart beat faster. A rush of overwhelming emotion eclipsed his senses. He wasn't quite sure what he was hoping for.

Scratch that he was almost absolutely sure.

"What is it Cas?"

"Dean, I love you."

There went his heart again.

"I've loved you since I raised you from hell, your soul is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, and I wanted to tell you for the longest time..."

"I love you too Cas!" Dean exclaimed louder than he thought he would.

"Can I kiss you?" Castiel asked. His eyes glowed brighter. Then again Dean thought the whole world was glowing brighter at that moment.

"Yes!" Dean pushed forward and locked lips with him. He felt Cas grin and felt himself smile in response. He leaned forward, wrapping his arms around Cas, when suddenly, he let out a cough.

Dean removed his arms from Castiel as he felt himself start to choke. He staggered backward, falling to the floor as he did so, looking up at the angel.

"Cas, help..."

"And why would I do that Dean?"

Dean froze, his coughs stopping for a moment as he saw Cas standing over him, eyes glowing brighter than ever, and...


He had blue shit leaking out of his mouth.

Cas was infected.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2021 ⏰

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