Rewrite Idea (Guys and Dolls)

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So, I am a theater kid. And my school's theater program is currently doing a production of Guys and Dolls. Now, this musical came out in the 50's so it's not the most, how do I put this, progressive of musicals.

So, I want to share some ideas of how I'd change up the plot and stuff in this musical.

There will probably be swearing in this, so here's a warning if that ain't your jam.

To start off I hate the couple that is Nathan and Adelaide. Simply put, Nathan is an ass and gaslights her throughout the song "Sue Me." Adelaide deserves better.

So, my first change to the plot would be having the two permanently break up after "Sue Me." Maybe have Adelaide throw in some more sick burns and tell Nathan off even more. Years of lies about crap games, and she's sick of it.

This would mean that "Marry the Man Today" would not happen. The song that is. I still see Sarah and Adelaide interacting and talking, and to be honest, if I were to rewrite this musical, I'd have them interact even more. The musical would end showing Sarah and Adelaide becoming closer.

Now, Sarah and Sky as a couple I'd rewrite to not be married at the end. Instead, I'd add in a scene where the two discuss Sky not winning the bet, and deciding to restart their relationship from a place not centered around Sky trying to win a bet. Their first date could be something that they're both comfortable with, maybe a nice restaurant in the city. Arvide would be the protective parent figure telling Sky to not put Sarah through such emotional turmoil again, and they'd all be happy.

Wow I guess I just don't like Nathan.


Anyway, the finale scene would have Sky, Adelaide, and Sarah being a lovely trio of friends and Sky joining the mission like he did in cannon. Sarah and Sky would both be supporting Adelaide working at the Hot Box and would also jump to her defense if anyone decides to harass her about it.

And that's all I got for y'all so yeah.

If I actually write anything for this, (which is unlikely) it will be during tech week when I should really be doing homework instead.

Or just in the middle of rehearsal who's to say.

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