Infinity Train x SPN (Crossover)

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Okay, so I first want to preface this by saying that everyone should watch Infinity Train. It's an amazing show, and I truly can't think of anyone who'd dislike this show.

Anyway, moving on.

This will probably somehow contain spoilers for Infinity Train, so...

There's your warning.

Now let's move on...

So, this crossover starts with Sam, Dean, and Cas taking a case where a teenage girl has no reflection. They interview the girl, Tulip, and she claims it's because her reflection left the mirror world. Team Free Will is confused by this, but they determine that she isn't a monster and that everything is handy dandy, so they move along.

Anyway, a few months later our amazing SPN trio discovers a few internet rumors about a teenager made entirely of metal. With it being a rather slow time for cases and apocalypses and what not, they decide to investigate.

Turns out that the metal person, named Lake, is Tulip's reflection. They tell Team Free Will about this magic eldritch train that they and their friend Jesse escaped from.

So now, Sam, Dean, and Cas are investigating stories and accounts of the Infinity Train, and this is when they come across the train themselves.

The three of them end up on the train, separated, having to bring their numbers on their hands down to zero. I picture them going through some of the train cars we see in the show and meeting some of our favorite denizens (like One-One, the cat, Atticus.) I also picture at least a chapter or two, (if this were a full length story), where someone from Team Free Will meets the former Apex and Grace.

Let's face it, Sam, Dean, and Cas could all use the free therapy train. I don't have any other specific plot point ideas, but here's what I think their numbers would be:

Dean: [2603]

Sam: [2043]

Cas: [1789]

There's no specific reason for any of them, it just feels right, in a sense.

Also, this entire AU crossover thing would include Destiel because Destiel is amazing.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now. I may expand upon this later, but that is not a guarantee by any means.

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