Coming Soon!

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Hello my lovelies! It's been a while!

Though I don't have the actual full first chapter of this story done yet, I am posting this to hopefully help motivate me to actually get off my ass and start writing again.


Heroes Of Virtue is set in a world sort of similar to ours. The main difference is that almost everyone on the planet has a super power known as "virtues".

The story itself will follow Evangeline Gilmore, an orphan girl whose virtue developed incredibly late. Her whole life, Evangeline and her best friend Maggie had wanted to be Heroes. Until the late development of her virtue, Evangeline feared that she would have to watch Maggie move on with her life without her. However, with her newfound virtue and it's incredible power, she and Maggie were able to apply for a place at the most prestigious hero school in the world. Without much knowledge and mastery of her virtue, Evangeline must learn to hone her power at this new school to even dream of saving the world.


As I'm sure you can see, I'm very excited for this story! The way that everything I have for it so far clicked together when, at the beginning, they were meant to have nothing to do with each other is wild! I hope that you all are as excited as I am!

With all of this said, I hope you all have an amazing day and, for anyone reading my stuff who happens to live in America like I do, happy Thanksgiving! I hope that the food and company you have is pleasant and that your day of celebration is full of smiles!

Goodbye for now my lovelies!

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