Dislike is always not bad

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🌟 Everyone can't like you , everyone can't understand you , everyone can't care about you , everyone can't be always with you , everyone can't love you .........but You also don't like everyone , you also can't understand everyone , you also not care about everyone .

Then does it always matter so much if someone don't like you....or someone hate you ???

People don't like many things , but it doesn't mean that nobody can be with you .
People mostly care about themselves first....it's human nature . Everyone keeps themselves first , then it's come to family , loved ones , friends .

It occurs many times that you expect a nice relationship with someone but they just ignore you .
They don't know how we feel when we are literally hungry for attention and then we only get rejection !

But it's not anyone's fault basically . when we don't like something , we just don't like it . Many times it also doesn't have any reason . So when we ourselves don't know many times why we dislike something then what we expect from another person !!!!

It's better to leave our disturbing thoughts at the time when we realise they don't want us . And just focus on ourselves .
Our present is precious so why waste much time thinking about disruptive things .
Just try to love everyone who loves you and respect everyone with our pure hearts . ♥️

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