4. Reciprocation

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If you believed him, congratulations:

You don't know a god damn thing about Hinata Shoyo.

  "Kageyama, you don't understand.. I can't-

"I said just for a second. If you leave and never talk to me again after that's fine." No it's not fine. It's totally not fine, it's never been fine.

"I- okay. Really quick." Shoyo said, pulling his mask and glasses up further as they dropped down his face. Kageyama can't see him like this, weak, battered, and broken. The thing is, it's been a week since the first time Akio hit him, and the scar was still there. But now, he has a new one, all up his back. Akio didn't touch his face again, but he pushed him so hard one night Shoyo's back was aching. Did he allow him to like the little bitch he was? Yes. But it's all apart of the plan. He just has to keep his damn mouth closed for a little while longer until Akio gets what he wants.

  As he walked to Kageyama's car, he realizes he still has the key to his condo. Should he give that back? Should he keep it? Why hasn't he asked for it back? What if-

"Shoyo get out of the street."

Kageyama called, grabbing Shoyo from the concrete.

"Oh- thanks." Shoyo says awkwardly, while he ducks his head into the car. He hates that it's so awkward between them now, so uncomfortable to be in the person he loved to be around most's presence. Shoyo's thoughts slid away from him so often that he found himself on the elevator now. Wait, what? This is going too fast! He can't even prepare himself for anything, any words to come out! What if he just stands there like an idiot, or what if he leaves out of sheer unreadiness?!?

"Okay, you can put your bag down at the floor. I just wanted to talk."

  Shoyo sat with Kageyama at his island, once again, just like last time, where they held their last moment together. This tension is the worst.


Shoyo took the beverage from the raven's hands, taking a slow sip from it. How refreshing that felt, more refreshing than anything he's felt in so long.

"Okay, I just want to say I'm sorry. I don't know what I did or what happened, if it's the fight I'm sorry you were going through so much and I dismissed you for getting upset at me, I shouldn't have done something like that."

"That's not-

"Wait!" Kageyama yelled, making the others lips seal shut. If that's what daddy wants that's what he gets. Shoyo almost wants to throw himself out the window for thinking such things at a time like this.

"If it's about- what happened that night..when I touched you- or- whatever, I'm sorry for that too, I didn't even intend to hurt you by doing-

"Kageyama I said it's nothing you did. It's not you. You are like the only thing that keeps me happy at times like this." Kageyama's eyebrow quirked, looking to Shoyo as if he'd grown two heads.


"I said I needed space from-

"Why would you need or want space from someone who keeps you happy through this?"


  Was all the redhead could muster, feeling the weight of those cold eyes.

"Why would you push away your only happiness, if it has completely nothing to do with me, if I'm not a factor at all, why cut me off out of them all?" Alright. Shoyo sure as hell lies a lot, yet in this moment he cannot manage to do so. This man is laying it thick on him.

"One and Only." A kagehina/shobio love storyWhere stories live. Discover now