"Ms. Please check again. I can't believe that there is not another room available for the night. This is my personal assistant and it would be innapropriate for us to share a room". He fumed as he stood there at the reception. It was bad enough that he had to call Sanem and explain that they had to stay overnight because they would need to wrap up the deal tomorrow morning. Part of Yosef's business was legitimate and that was the part he was involved in. He could hear the disappointment and anxiety in Sanems voice even though she tried to cover it up. When he ended the call with her and was told that there was only one room available he wanted to scream. Things had gone from bad to worse. There was no way he was going to stay in a room with that woman. Once he calmed down he accepted the keys and handed them to Jasmin. "Please take the keys and make yourself comfortable. I will be in the gym for a while. This isn't your fault so don't worry". Jasmin had the presence of mind to act chagrined at least. "Can Bay, please. I won't say anything if you won't." When she smiled and batted her eyelashes he simply wanted to puke. He walked away from her then and down to the gym. He needed to think and he couldn't do it with her standing over him like a sentry. He needed to tell Sanem before somehow Jasmin let it slip and he knew she would if she had the chance. He walked into the gift shop and bought himself some toiletries and a t-shirt, shorts, socks and some sneakers. They were all twice the amount that they would have been at a normal department store. But he simply didn't care. Next he walked to the gym and put his items in a locker and sat down to call Sanem. He wasn't looking forward to it so he decided to FaceTime her so she could see exactly where he was. When she picked up she smiled and although it looked like she was sad he knew she was trying to keep it light. Then he noticed where she was and what lay before her. "Bebek? Did you prepare dinner for the neighborhood?" The table was filled with what looked like a four course meal. His words served to only make her break down and cry. Behind her, captured in the mirror was a reflection of the dining table laid out with all the crystal and china for an elegant meal. The table was laden with food and a bottle of wine was chilling on ice. She hadn't realized that when she turned slightly away from the table the mirror picked up the image. "Awe.... Sanem baby don't cry. I'm so sorry. If I was there I would be licking my fingers off having eaten all the food you so lovingly prepared. I swear if there was a way I'd be home with you right now. Baby please". He felt bad and yet he was  still prepared to tell her that the blonde was with him and that there was only one room. He closed his eyes and thought. He didn't want to lie to her, he already had one secret that he still hadn't told her about and everyday that passed by it weighed on him. He didn't want to have another that was for sure  untrue. "Can..... I'm sorry. It's ok. I didn't want you to know". She gulped and drank some wine. It would have been comical if it were a different situation. "Sanem....  ah, there is something else I wanted to let you know. Please be calm and listen to me. Ah.... I promise I didn't know about it until I got on the plane". Sanem looked at him and then looked away as she swallowed another big gulp of wine. "Oh you mean that Barbie is with you. Yeah, I already know that. She was kind enough to send me your itinerary and room number in case I needed to reach you. Now there's a wonderful PA for ya". Can was speechless and gaped at her. She had known and hadn't said a word or called him to rant at him. "Baby I swear I didn't know". She nodded her head back and forth as she took another drink "Can don't swear it makes you sound guilty of something". Again his mouth opened and then snapped shut. She was angry and now she was getting drunk. "Sanem, Askim please you shouldn't be drinking...." And her reply came back just as quick "and you shouldn't be with that blonde bimbo who only wants to get in your pants. I told you she was trouble. I wouldn't be surprised if she managed to book up all the rooms and force you to stay in a room with her to share". She had been looking away when she said it but when he didn't answer she quickly looked back and her beautiful pink lips parted in a gasp. His face must have given him away because she cursed out loud calling the Barbie every name in the book. "Sanem.... bebek look" and he panned his phone around and showed her where he was. He explained he bought himself some clothes and toiletries and he was in the gym that was open 24 hours and that he planned on staying there all night. After a few seconds she began crying and telling him how much she loved him and trusted him and that when she saw that bitch again she would kick her out of his office and then make sure they made love right there on his desk and she was would be loud enough to be heard down the street. He had to laugh at the whole absurd situation. She was walking around the dining room and the phone shook and  bounced up and down as she spoke and drank. "Sanem baby I love you so much". His eye caught a glint off the glass of one of the paintings and he frowned wondering if the mat they used for the artwork was damaged but then Sanem moved around again before he could pay closer attention. She was out of the frame and when he spoke to her she didn't reply. "Sanem.... bebek? Sanem?" He saw the phone move around the room and then back to her beautiful face. "I love you Can, so much". Her eyes were blinking slowly and he knew she would be passed out on the couch soon. "Bebek. Please stop drinking and lay down. Go to sleep. I'll arm the security system from my phone. I love you Askim, so much". His reply was soft snoring as he smiled and hung up the phone. He switched on the security camera and saw her crashed on the couch. She was wearing his grey shirt which she sometimes slept in along with a pair of his boxers.  She never looked more beautiful to him than now. This was her way of being close to him, even now when she was disappointed, angry and jealous, not to mention drunk. He panned back to the artwork but the angle didn't do much. He made a mental note to check it out when he got back. He switched to the security system and smiled seeing that's she had already armed it. Next he looked at the security cameras outside his home and was pleased to see the grey car parked out in his driveway where it was supposed to be. At least he could rest knowing she would be safe. He wasnt sure if he would get any sleep but one thing was certain the blonde upstairs wouldn't either. She could wait for him all night long and stew for all he cared. She was in for a rude awakening tomorrow.

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