Skarlet drew her sword, it felt alive in her hand, filling her with confidence. Though those emotions slipped a little as the creature neared, only seeming to grow in size. She frowned deeper, realizing that she wouldn't get to engage unless she stopped it's sprint, Skarlet began chanting a spell.

The beast known as Ares, the God beast of Kozak let out a roar as it sensed a challenge in the fluctuation of mana, that tiny ant perched atop that line of pebbles was taunting him. A bit of aggravation welled up and he put on a burst of speed, lifting his hand he went for a classic smash attack. The insect didn't move, it seemed to stare at him defiantly and this only increased his anger. Ares was already in a bad mood due to the presence that had dragged him from his slumber and sent him on this aggressive dash to attack this anthill. But that wasn't really too big a problem, crushing an anthill and the source is his anger would be quick and easy then his cave and sleep awaited. A growl of satisfaction slipped from his lips as he watched his hand connect with the wall, a satisfying eruption of dust encased his hand as the fragile pile of pebbles collapsed. That satisfaction didn't last long though as pain erupted through his hand, he tried to pull it back, but there was resistance and more pain.

Skarlet finished her spell as the beast skidded up to the wall, immediately transitioning to a position and stance that followed through with the slamming of his fist through the wall. Skarlet rolled out of the way last minute before activating her spell as the wind current created by beast’s smash tossed her into the air like a ragdoll.

A roar erupted from it's lips as the dust cleared to reveal spikes of stone piercing it's hand. Skarlet activated a burst of wind magic to stabilize herself before catapulting herself at it's face, she drew her sword and dug into his cheek. She then used a burst of fire magic to attempt a large, high damage attack. She was rewarded with another loud roar, but before she could celebrate, a shadow befell her as a hand came to crush her.

Ares felt immense annoyance as he ripped his hand from the spikes and began holding it like an injured dog, then out of nowhere a little fly had stung his cheek. He brought his hand up to smack it, he realized that it wasn't really a flea and that this thing had gotten away from him so he swung faster and harder this time trying to catch it off guard. As his hand smacked down he felt the pain subside, and a feeling of satisfaction overcame him. Ares pressed forward after that, his hooves smashed through the remains of the gate, the crumbling rocks and splintering wood delighted him.  though as he proceeded to smash buildings and crush carriages and carts beneath his feet there was something missing, and it caused his annoyance to grow. Where is their fear, why are there no screams. Did they flee, how disappointing. He paused in the center of the city, his gaze landed on a rather fancy looking building. He felt delight as he took a step towards it, however before he could react a light smashed through the wall and through a cloud of dust a large arrow covered in roaring mana came flying at him. Due to the smoke and surprise, Ares didn't block, no he took the hit head on.

A roar escaped his lips as the attack smashed into his leg and exploded with fire, a throbbing pain spread out as the large arrow seemed to break apart in his flesh and the fire magic seared the fur and skin around it. With anger, the beast moved to smash the bug who'd done actual damage, only his leg buckled from the previous attack. Ares hit the ground hard, his face came eye level with the hole that had broken out and he could see inside an ant's home. There was some makeshift device and a large amount of massive arrows, Cody would have called it a crude balista, though his focus would have been more on the fact that Maria stood there aiming it. Beside her was the guild Master, “I may be old but at my prime I was an A rank elemental master. But even with that, we're not gonna kill this thing, Maria I understand your desire to help Skarlet. I agreed because I feel the same, but this is hopeless.” The Guild Master spoke warily.

“Sir, I respect your opinion, but we're not here to defeat it. We're here to stall, Aiko is working with her team to locate Skarlet. We'll get her out of here by force if we must.” Maria was determined, she faced the creature even as it glared at her with enough killing intent to make the guild master flinch. “Do you mind?” Maria asked as the beast reached for them. The hand was fast and for a moment she was worried.

“Ahh, yes I got it.” The Guild Master leaped forward, a quick chant and a large amount of mana began to move.

Cody stepped out of the tent, he felt the anxiety rising and he pushed it down, but he couldn't stop his foot from tapping.
“Worried, hero. Just go save her, or is something stopping you?” A voice spoke up, it was calm, but young. He turned to see the blind prophet, she was looking at him, he could tell. The blindfold was still there, just it wasn't wet, the demon's eyes were open.

“You're talking like you know something, You're a de-.” She stepped forward and put her hand over his mouth, her blindfold slipped slightly and an eye glared at him.

“Hero, please continue saving the world. Geez with the way you throw around the d word one might think you're trying to destroy the world instead.” She spoke quickly and quietly as she pushed him away from the group. “Cody, I'm a Prophet of the Church but also I'm the Prophet of the demon king. I'm both but one and the same, I'm a being created through an accident. A mismanagement of spirits and the carelessness of my own. But don't forget who owns this body, it's not the demon king’s Prophet but instead an Innocent little girl with a desire to be something good something more than just a little nun- hey! You're embarrassing me- shush child I'm trying to reprimand the hero for being an idiot.” The prophet of demons sighed in frustration as her cheek grew hot with blush. “what I'm trying to say is, do you think the hero of the goddess herself needs to obey an old man who's never even heard her voice. The Pope uses people like you and me to hold power even when he himself is incapable of hearing the voices of the gods. Stop being a pawn!”

The One Unworthy of Legends - V:1.1 - Maria's AscensionWhere stories live. Discover now