hierarchy // 002

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"Chill, San." Yunho barged in, trying to calm the situation and not letting the seat stealer finish his sentence in the process. "Can't you see he's new? He's not even wearing the uniform yet."

The guy on my desk snorted, finding some kind of fun in the situation.

"What you laughing at, Cruella?" I nagged, kicking his leg lightly. "And why the fuck are you still on my seat, scoot."

"Oh." The guy tilted his head to the side, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. His reaction confusing me profusely. "Here's the thing... San, this is not your seat anymore."

"The fuck?" I snapped, frowning in a mixture of confusion and anger. Is he trying to fight me for the seat? What is this?

"Language, buddy." He chuckled as he stood up from my seat and walked towards the front of the classroom, adding to my confusion. This dude is hella weird. "So, San. Starting off today, this is your seat!"

I stared at his obviously fake happy smile, his tell being his flaming eyes staring right back at me. He raised an eyebrow in a challenging manner as he pointed at the desk right in front of the teacher's table.

Oh, in your dreams shithead.

I rolled my eyes as I sat on my now free seat, raising my eyebrows, clowning him. His expression changing from friendly to irritated honestly made my day, a laugh escaping from my lips and as a result, receiving a light punch on the arm from Yunho, who sat on the desk to my right with a small smile on his face as well.

"You're Choi San, correct?" The weird guy spoke again, making me look his way with an annoyed face.

"What do you want?" My eyes scanned the scene in front of me, as the chocolate and vanilla haired dude grabbed a pen from his pocket and marked something on the file on top of the teacher's table. "Yo! What are you doing?"

"Well San, hate to break it to you... but you missed physics today." He crossed his arms and shook his head, a sad look on his face. "Tsk, you're attendance is... precarious."

The half full classroom went silent, everyone's attention on the fight that suddenly turned serious. All eyes on my next move, since the new guy was visibly claiming his power.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I grunted as I made my way towards him.

"Oh, my bad. I forgot to introduce myself." He smirked. "I'm your new physics teacher. You can call me Jung Seongsaemnim."

"Oof." Mingi chuckled as I halted my movement, opening and closing my mouth, trying to assimilate the situation. How the hell was this 13 year old my teacher?

"Seongsaemnim?" I repeated, dumbfounded. "Are they hiring pre-school teachers as substitutes, now?"

I could see the scowl on his face as soon as I blurted the words out, the now almost full class stifling a laugh as I made fun of the new teacher's appearance. I mean, if they were laughing, I'm not the only one who thinks he's way too young. All of the other teachers in the school are older, the youngest one being in their late 30s. And this guy looked... barely legal.

"Look here, you little..." His chest slowly rose up and down as he took a deep breath and flashed me a tight lipped smile. "Sunshine, whether it brings joy to your glittery heart or not, is not my problem. The fact is that you should be acting a little nicer towards your Seongsaemnim, considering your grades, no?"

I huffed, grabbing my backpack from the desk behind me and sitting loudly on the desk he assigned me earlier, right in front of his table as I looked anywhere but his direction, afraid I would punch that annoying smirk out of his face if I did.

Soon enough the classroom was full of students and unlike other days, when I would be somewhere in the room talking to my friends and joking around, I sat still, slouching on my chair with a bored expression on my face as I wished for the class, which hadn't even started yet to be over as soon as possible.

"Damn, I should have worn make up today." I heard a girl whisper to her friend right beside me. "Who would've thought the new teacher would be so hot?"

I rolled my eyes at her comment, not seeing anything hot about the conceited teacher. Sure, he didn't look bad; I can acknowledge an attractive man when I see one, I'm not insecure with my masculinity, but that doesn't change the fact that he's a pain in the ass.

"Right?" Some other girl replied in a hushed tone. "Look at that jawline... and those lips... he's just... ugh."

My eyes flickered towards Jung Seongsaemnim, his strong presence not decreasing even on the other side of the classroom, paying me no mind as he politely introduced himself to the students in a laid back manner.

No wonder I thought he was a student, he didn't only look the part with his baggy clothes and half bleached hair, he acted like it too. How old was he? Is someone his age good enough to be teaching high schoolers? Not that I care about physics, I don't. But this Jung Seongsaemnim... I guess we just didn't hit it off.

I sighed, keeping a straight face and turning my face forward, looking at the empty blackboard and at times stealing glaces at my new teacher as he walked around and had some small talk with the students and how he would make big gestures as he spoke or  how he would once in a while run his hand through his hair. About five minutes went by until the bell rang, signaling it was time to begin the first period.

"I think I talked to everyone..." Jung Seongsaemnim spoke, taking a look around the room. "So no need for those boring introductions and telling me what's your hobby and whatever."

From the small chuckles he received in return, it was an understatement that the students were grateful to skip that unspoken ritual.

"How about we get straight into it? I know you guys already started the semester, can anyone tell me wh-"

"Sorry I'm late!" A desperate looking Lee Minho jogged inside of the classroom with heavy steps from running, stopping in front of my seat, ogling me with a blank look. "Uhm..."

Oh, right. This used to be his seat. Great, I changed seats with a nerd.

"It's ok." Jung Seongsaemnim stated, putting a hand on Minho's shoulder, making the boy look at him. "Was this your seat?"

"I-ugh, yeah." The poor boy looked like he had seen a ghost, his eyes wide and his mouth slightly opened as he gawked at the teacher.

"You can sit on San's old desk, he won't be using it anymore." Jung winked at me, rubbing it in. The irritation clear on my face, since I made no effort to hide it. "I'm Jung Seongsaemnim, nice to meet you."

"Lee Minho." He bowed, scurrying away to my dearly missed old desk, perfectly place near the back of the room, with a window view and close to my friends.

"So, as I was saying..." The loud voice coming from the front of the room pulling my attention back in. "Can anyone tell me where exactly did Kim Seongsaemnim stop with you guys?"

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