inertia // 003

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Class was running smoothly, thankfully. Since it was my first time with the class, I thought it would be best to take it slow on the first day and start with a revision of the current subject the kids were learning with Kim Seonsaengnim so I could get a feel of how much they knew already.

Lee Minho, the kid who arrived late, helped me get in track by telling me what they've been learning the past few weeks. Choi San, on the other hand, was giving me a hard time. I came to learn students nowadays were rude to teachers as well. I understand how I could've gotten confused for a student though, I could almost hear Hongjoong's laugh echoing in my head as I remembered his bickering about my inappropriate attire.

But that didn't justify Choi San's actions. He was arrogant, his manners lacking in actions and words, even to this moment while I explained Newton's laws of motion, he was staring at his phone unbothered, loudly chewing a gum like he was in his own room.

I took a deep breath and turned a blind eye to him, simply giving his desk a few taps to let him know he should put the smartphone away and moving on with the topic, not wanting to cause any more drama with a student on my first class on my first day, because truth be told, I was a little embarrassed I ended up taking a nap on a student's desk and getting caught. Shouldn't have stayed up gaming yesterday now, should I?

I glanced at the scribbled whiteboard in front of the class, filled with formulas and sketches about Newton's laws of motion.

"Does anyone have questions?" I aimlessly asked as I loooked for any troubled faces, smirking in satisfaction when I didn't find one. "Good. So let's move on to the second law-"

"Wait Ssaem! I have a question!" A girl seating in the front row spoke, raising her hand.

"Shoot." I gave her a small welcoming smile, glad that the students were interested and engaging in my class.

"What's you first name, Ssaem?" She giggled, her friends holding back small squeaks.

I blinked slowly, taking a deep breath to suppress my desire to roll my eyes at her question.

That has nothing to do with what I had been taking about for the past 30 minutes.

"That's not related to physics, miss." I gave her a tight smile, turning around to face the board once again, but being interrupted by the same girly voice.

"We're curious... please, Ssaem!" She pouted and batted her eyelashes in an attempt to look cute.

Is she trying to flirt with a teacher?

Unfortunately, as she insinuated, it seemed like she wasn't the only one interested, as a low but rising buzz of students started butting in with pleads for me to tell them my name.

Why was that so interesting for them?

"Wooyoung."  I gave in to their peer pressure, annoyed at how much they cared for such information that was useless for their curriculum instead of engaging in the subject I was making an effort to get across to them. "Regardless, you should call me Seonsaengnim."

I turned to the whiteboard once again, determined to move on to the next Newton law and teach their dull brains some actually relevant content, but failing to do so, pressing my lips together to keep myself from swearing as I heard the same girl whispering in excitement to her friends."Even his name is sexy."

"Ok! Back to class." My sharp tone quickly ending the students babbling. "Now, what you need to know about the second law of motion is that-"

"Hey, Ssaem." The cockyness of his voice echoed in the room as I suppressed a laugh and shook my head in disbelief.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2022 ⏰

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