Whomst decided to piss these people off

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TW/CW: slight mention of trauma, swearing, panic attack

Let me know if I missed any

(D!Techno's PoV)

I leaned back on the log pillar, listening to their conversations.

They were worried about getting home and some woman named Kristin.

I took a deep breath of fresh air. It has been a while since I could breath in something that wasn't lava ash and heat.

Dang it Quackity and Sam, I thought.

The only enjoyment I got from being in Pandora's Vault was annoying Dream and the bell.

The bell was fun :)

Maybe it was best if some of us didn't go back. Some of us could stay here and live a life not filled with trauma.

But then again, there is another problem with this.

It seemed like we were swapped out with this server's version of us.

Whatever life that they had here will not be the same if they stayed on the server.

I really don't want to take that away from those people.

It's both a lose-lose and lose-win situation.


I flinched as this server's Wilbur phase through the log pillar and stayed under the shade.

"What are you doing here all alone?" He asked.

"Let's just say that Theseus wouldn't be too happy to see me," I explained.

"Who?" Wilbur asked, tilting his head in confusion.

"Tommy," I said.

"Ah, right. Well I came here to check on you," Wilbur said.

"And why would I need to be check on?" I asked suspiciously.

"In this server, we're twins. I just want to check up on you because I'm a bit worried. You may be different than our Techno but I can see some similarities with you two," he explained.


"Your voices, aka Chat. Our Techno has that too," Wilbur said.

I hummed at this.

I had nothing else to say so I stayed quiet.

Ah yes, the floor is made out of floor, I thought.

Wilbur floated there uncomfortably before clearing his throat.

"If you want to join us, front door is always open. Not that you have to, you can join us at your own time," he said before phasing through the log pillar.

This Wilbur was almost similar to Wilbur before he turned insane. Before the wars, before anything and yet he was different.

This was getting too complicated for me so I decided to rest my eyes for a bit.



I jumped and hit my head on the pillar.

"Ow," I muttered and turned around to see Wilbur again.

He looked scared, shocked and worried at the same time.

"We have a situation," he began.

(What happened earlier while Techno was taking a nap. O!Wilbur's PoV)

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