So uh Blood for the Blood god I guess?

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CW/TW: blood, dead bodies, minor characters deaths, major character death but they respawn later don't worry.

I attempt to write a fight scene.

(O!Phil's PoV)

After I was done yelling at the ceiling, I got up from my knees and looked at the newcomers.

"So seriously how did you all even get here?" Ranboo asked.

"I honestly have no idea. I went to sleep after a long day and when I woke up, I was in a den somewhere. And then this guy!" Fundy glared at Jack, "decided it would be a good idea to bring me over here and interrogate me!"

"Well what else was I supposed to do mate?! Just leave a random stranger wander around our lands?" Jack snapped, his angry British accent popping out as he spoke.

"Well I remember Tommy (our Tommy) leaving to his treehouse to lay down and when I came back to check on him and give him the medicine that Phil gave me, saw this Tommy in his place instead," Wilbur explained.

Speaking of Tommy, he was still laying on the floor fainted.

I gently picked him up and placed him on one of the beds that was in the Pube, this one was close to Niki's tank.

"And what about you Ram Tubbo?" Wilbur turned to look at the brunette.

"Same I guess. I went to take a short nap somewhere and ended up in a small house with dried up flowers and a leaky roof," Tubbo explained.

"Still need to get that fixed," Sneeg said.

"Well yeah. It burns," Ranboo sighed.

"So all of these incidents happened when you all went to sleep. But how is that possible now?" Niki asked.

She was right. How is sleeping connected to them coming over to our server?

"Well...," Wilbur fiddled around with his fingers.

"What is it Wil?" I asked.

"Earlier today, Scott found something interesting and showed it to me. I then showed it to Tommy. It was a ruined end portal but it wasn't in a stronghold. It was incomplete and some of the eyes were cracked. Tommy took one to inspect it more and I told him not to but he did so anyway. Which led into me chasing him but he then got a headache, dropping the eye and I led him up to his treehouse. I went for Phil for advice and you know the rest," Wilbur explained.

"An end portal? Near here? But there's isn't a stronghold near our land. I think, wouldn't Ranboo sense it?" Jack asked.

"He would of, but that's what I found so strange about the portal. If it were a normal portal, Ranboo would have sense it by now," Wilbur said.

"I don't sense any portal around here. All I sense is the one near Fundy's old den before he moved," Ranboo explained.

"So who else saw this portal?" Niki asked.

"Only three people. Scott, Tommy and I. But if that were the case, then I would have been send with where our Tommy is instead. Why are Fundy and Tubbo from the server that Tommy must be in, here and why our Fundy and Tubbo are in that server?" Wilbur wondered.

"This is a mystery," Tubbo shrugged.

"Yeah and another problem emerges. How are we supposed to go home?" Fundy asked.

"That's a good question. Sadly we don't have the answer for it now. Maybe in time, we'll figure it out?" Sneeg said.

"That's not a definite answer," Fundy sighed.

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