I have no idea what to call this chapter lol

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(O!Technoblade's PoV)

It was hot and uncomfortable. Was it summer because when it's summertime here, it gets really hot.

No that can't be it. I have a soft bed, not a rough bed.

Get up Techno, I thought and opened my eyes.

The first thing I realized that I was not in my temporary house.

I was instead in a cramped room filled up with obsidian and had a lava pool. It was mainly empty.

Great I got myself kidnapped. Laaaame! Oh wait no! Phil is going to kill me and if he doesn't, Wilbur will. Wil will? What a weird sentence. No, concentrate. How do I get out, I thought in a panic.

"Oh great you're finally awake," a voice said.

I looked around to see who was talking.

There was a man in a god awful orange prison clothes and had long dirty blond hair. What was the most strangest thing however, was his smiley face mask. It looked dirty though.

"Good, another day of torture. XD visited once to grant us a wish. You could have gotten us out of here but nooooo! You just had to ask for a bell!" The man sighed.

At the corner of my eye, I spotted a large golden bell.

Well then, I thought.

"Oi boar! Are you going to talk to me or what?" The man asked.

I stayed silent. I didn't want to talk to this stranger and not because of social anxiety. I had a bad feeling about him.

"Fine, be that way. It's not like we're going to get another visit," the man huffed and turned his back at me.

He sounds pissed. Oh wait I can't swear! Not my monetization! Oh wait Facebook moms can't hear my thoughts HA! L! I thought happily.


Welp I'm bored!

I stood up and began to walk around the cramp room.

Not a really good place for someone who may have claustrophobia like the avians origins like Tommy and Phil. And too hot for a water type origin such as Niki.

The two of us were alone. Not a good sign but I couldn't see any place of escape. Well not now at least.

Either this is a really good prison built or...

"What the hell are you doing now?" The man asked.

What a pain, I thought.

I turn to look at him.

He sat crisscross from a really stiff looking bed.

"I asked you a question Technoblade," he said.

What a whiny man, I thought.

The man tapped his fingers on his arms that were folded. He was awaiting an answer.

"None of your business," I muttered.

"None of my business? None of my business you say! You a*shole! We are literally living in the damn prison together! There is not much to hide from me or from Sam. Damn you!" The man yelled.

"Oh go cry me a river," I said.

"I would but this room is too damn hot for it!" He snapped.

"L," I muttered.

The man screamed in frustration and stomped over to me.

He began to yell about how his life was unfair and stuff, I wasn't really paying attention.

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