Chapter 6 Too Many Injuries

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This Chapter Takes Place Where I Left Off With Skye After She Passed Out But It's A Bit Of A Time-Skip. ALSO, Rarity Is In This Chapter, But Anyways, HOPE YOU ENJOY IT. :P

2 Hours Later, Skye Woke Up In Bed Not Realizing That She Was In The Hospital Until She Fell Out Of Bed.

Skye: Oww, That Hurts. How Did I Get In The Hospital????

Rarity: You Bonked Your Head Under The Table

Skye Was Startled.

Skye: AHHH, Jeez, Don't Scare Me Like That

Rarity: Oops, Sorry. I Didn't Get A Chance To Introduce Myself, I'm Rarity

Skye: My Name's Skye. Wait...Weren't You At The Castle????

Rarity: Yes, I Was There, But We Didn't See You There Until You Bumped Your Head Under The Map Table, Which Frankly I Don't Know How You Hid Under There Since The Corners Are Too Small To Hide Under

Skye: They Were Hard To Hide Under, It Was So Small

Rarity: Well, If You Ever Decide To Hide Somewhere, Look For A More Efficient Place To Hide

Skye: Thanks For The Advice...I Guess

Rarity: My Pleasure, Oh, Do You Need Help Getting Back Into Bed????? 

Skye: No, I Can Do It

Skye Then Slips And Falls Back On The Floor.

Skye: OWW

Rarity: Oof, That Must've Been Painful, Um, Do You Need Me To Get The Doctor For You????

Skye: If It's To Get Me Out Then Sure, Go Ahead

Rarity: No, It's To Help You Get Back In Bed

Skye: Oh, Then No I Can Do It Myself

Rarity: Okay, Fine, I'm Just Gonna Sit Here Until You Manage To Get Back In

Skye: Thank You

Rarity Sat Down As Skye Tried To Get Back Into Bed. After 5 Minutes Of Trying To Climb Up, Rarity Finally Said Something.

Rarity: Look, Are You Sure You Don't Need Help, Seems To Me Like You Are Struggling...

Skye: I'm Fine, Thanks For Your Concern

Rarity Gets Board And Decides To Grab A News Paper And Start Reading It.

Rarity: Ooh, Mayor Mare, Is Wearing A Beautiful Dress. Wait, I Made That Dress, Of Course, Why Wouldn't It Be Beautiful?????

Rarity Keeps Reading As Skye Struggles To Climb Back Into Bed. 5 Minutes Later, Rarity Can't Take It Anymore, And Decides To Help Skye.

Rarity: Okay, I Can't Just Watch You Struggle

Rarity Stands Up And Floats Skye Back To Bed.

Skye: I Said, I Didn't Need Help

Rarity: Really, Because I've Watched You For 5 Minutes Trying To Get Back Into Bed And It Didn't Look Like You Weren't Even Trying

Skye: Pww, What Are You Talking About. Of Course, I Was Trying

Rarity: It Didn't Look Like That To Me...

Skye: Ok, I Guess You Were Right

Rarity: Thank You

Skye: Wait, Why Are You Here????

Rarity: Well, I Just Wanted To Make Sure Your Okay...

Skye: Oh, That Makes Sence

All Of A Sudden Rarity Has A Crazy Idea Come To Her.

Rarity: How Would You Like To Stay At My Place, When You Get Out, For The Night At Least?????

Skye: Sure...I Guess

Rarity: Ooh, Your Gonna Love It At My Place, I Promise (She Said Making A Huge Smile)

Skye: Okay Then...

Rarity Leaves The Room And Skye Thinks About What She Said.

Skye: Should I Go With Her. I Mean, She Seems Nice, Should I Tell The Others????

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