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(Finally here with Ratchet and Clank, yes it has been a while since I made anything but you can blame irl shit for that, anyways let's go ahead and get into this shall we?)

(Y/N)'s POV

Oh? Hello fellow reader. Your here to see my story aren't you? Very well, let's get into it. The story of a human and lombax.

So my day started out like normal, stay at home for a bit, plays games, listen to music, write, etc. Basically anything I wanted to do and I was popular about songs and stories apparently and I didn't mind any of it.

So obviously I would constantly get praise in public. As for my parents? We don't talk about them.

So please don't ask.

Anyways yeah suddenly I got a call while working on my computer and yes I live alone.

(Y/n): Hm?

I then pick up the phone and answer.

(Y/n): Yes?

Your friend (cause I will not assume your friends name which I hope you do have friends): Dude! There is a party the president will be holding.

(Y/n): The president? You mean that dead beat Biden?

Your friend: Well- Yes. But still, he is inviting everyone including yourself and he said that you are allowed to bring a guest with you.

(Y/n): But why would I wanna be around Biden?

Your friend: Oh come on you haven't been to a party since your senior prom.

(Y/n): True. But still-

Your friend: Come on Dude. One party won't hurt.

(Y/n): Hm. Fine. But just cause you wanna go.

Your friend: Yes!

(Y/n): So when does this start?

Your friend: 2 hours.

(Y/n): EH?!

Your friend: Sorry man.

(Y/n): Goddammit.

I quickly get dressed, get in my Lamborghini then drive to my friends house.

Your friend: Hey so-

(Y/n): Get in.

Your friend: Okay then.

I quickly drive us to where the party is which is the white house which took like 20 minutes.

Your friend: How did you get us here so fast?

(Y/n): Don't worry about it.

I then get out the car letting him out aswell as we walk in and get greeted by Dwayne Johnson.

Dwayne: Hello (Y/n), brought your friend I see.

(Y/n): Indeed I did.

Dwayne: Go right on in then.

We both walked in and saw everyone you can think of that is popular.

(Y/n): Go ahead you tailor swift lover. I'll go on stage and sing.

He said hey like as if he took offense as I walk in stage singing 2 songs.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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