Chapter 20

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The next morning at school John came up to me while we were waiting for our science class to start. "So, did you find out why we acted that way to each other?" John asked. "It turns out that Elsa must have cast the spell of shattered sight on us and we didn't know about it." I said. "I'm just glad that Tommy found a way to break that spell, without destroying anybody." John said. "Yeah." I said. It's a few days before winter break so Tommy decided that since winter break was coming up that we should watch a Christmas movie. He came in with a TV. "Alright everyone, settle down, take your seats please." Tommy said. Everyone settled down and took a seat. He had us vote on what christmas movie we want to watch. Most of the class wanted to watch a Christmas story. Later that day I was talking to my friends. "A Christmas story is one of my favorite Christmas movies." I said while my friends and I were sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch. "It's a good movie. I like it so far." John said. "Yeah." Virginia said. "Hey guys. There's actually a house that is a museum. It's the Christmas story house, well, that's what my family calls it." I said. "Where is it?" Ryan asked. "It's in Cleveland, Ohio." I said. "I never been there." Joe said. "Me either." Virginia said. "Maybe we could go there sometime this summer." I said. After school we were walking around town when I got a call from Tommy, much to my surprise. "Now what does he want?" I asked as I answered my phone. When I hung up I told them what Tommy wants and I went to his house. "Hey Tommy, you wanted to talk to me about something?" I asked as I walked into the lab. "Yeah, I think I know why Mesagog returned." Tommy said. "And you're telling me this because..." I said. "When your parents found out that the powers were not exactly gone Mesagog somehow found out but couldn't take any action after what happened last time. When you and your friends found the gems and took them Mesagog knew that he had to do what he can to get the gems. We can't let that happen." Tommy said. "But we are stopping him from getting them every single chance we get, even if the chance is close." I said. Tommy knew that what I was saying is true. He said that I should go tell the others about this and I walked out. The next day after school John was walking around town with me. "So, I talked to your real parents and your foster parents about what is going to happen in a few weeks." John said. "What's going to happen in a few weeks?" I asked. "You'll get to choose if you want to live with your foster parents or if you want to live with your real parents." John said. "Oh, okay." I said. "I've been trying to get into contact with the social worker and I left a few messages but I haven't heard back from them yet." John said. "That's so weird." I said. "I know, right?" John said. When I got home that day my mom was talking to someone on the phone. I don't know who she would be talking to but when she got off the phone she told me that she was talking to the social worker that brought me here when I was a baby. A few weeks go by and my foster family took me to the cafe in town for lunch. The social worker is going to be at the cafe in a few minutes with my real mom and dad. "Thanks for taking me here." I said. "No problem sweetheart." Casey said. "You know, I have heard that some foster parents mistreat their foster kids." Cassandra said. "Yeah, I'm just glad that you guys never mistreated me." I said. "Well, some foster parents are like that." Lily said. Then John walked in. "Hey Ariel, the social worker is here with your real parents and he wants to talk to your foster parents before he talks to you and after that you'll get to choose who you want to live with." John said. "Okay." I said. After the social worker talked to my foster parents he came up to talk to me. "Hey Ariel, you have gotten a lot taller since the last time I saw you." RJ said. "Yeah, the last time I saw you was when I was like six years old." I said. "Yeah, so I just talked to your real parents and your foster parents. So I think it's time for you to choose who you want to live with." RJ said. "Okay." I said. We walked over to them. "I choose my real mom and dad." I said. They gave me a hug. "We missed you so much sweetheart." Kira said. "I missed you too." I said. Then my foster parents came up to us. "Hey Ariel, I have something to say to you. For these past fifteen years we have taken care of you. It was great having you as a daughter. You're welcome to come over any time when you want to visit us." Casey said. "Okay, thanks for everything you did for me." I said. Then I walked out with my real parents. The next day Trent was driving me home from horseback riding when we got into a car accident. I must have hit my head really hard because after the crash I went unconscious. Trent had some minor injuries. When he noticed that I was unconscious he called the paramedics and they came and took me to the hospital. At the hospital Trent talked to doctor Walsh. Kira came to talk to him also. "What's wrong with her?" Trent asked. "I have no idea Trent, her vitals are stable but her brain patterns are wildly erratic." Doctor Walsh said. "Can you get her out of it?" Kira asked. "We're trying but she's not responding to anything." Doctor Walsh said. "But she's going to be okay, right?" Trent asked. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. The longer she stays like this the more at risk she's at." Doctor Walsh said. "Thanks doctor Walsh." Kira said. Then doctor Walsh walked out. Then they saw a news report that said that the city is under attack by a terrifying creature. "I'll stay with her." Kira said. "I'll be back as soon as I can." Trent said before leaving to help the rest of my team. On the battlefield George was fighting the creature by himself when the others showed up to help. They shot some lazers at him but it didn't help much. He launched a lazer at Virginia at point blank range. Then he launched some lazers at John and Joe. That's when Trent came in. "Mr. Fernandez-Ford-Mercer." They said. "Great, another one." The monster said before blasting him. The blast didn't exactly hit him but the impact sent him falling off his ATV. The monster blasted them all and when they tried to morph back into their ranger forms they couldn't. Then the monster left. Trent started to walk away when they stopped him. "Mr. Fernandez-Ford-Mercer. Why didn't Ariel come to help us?" John asked. "Guys, she didn't come to help because, she's in a coma." Trent said. "Wait, she's in a coma?!" They said shocked. "Yeah, I was driving her home from horseback riding when we got into a car accident." Trent said. Then Trent started to walk back to the hospital and John went with him.

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