Chapter 7

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Later that night we are working on our homework at the cafe in town and Tommy walked into the cafe. "What are you guys doing here so late?" Tommy asked. "Dr. Oliver, you know I love being a ranger but it can really put you in a crunch when it comes to homework. This paper about mastodons is taking up all my free time." Joe said. "I know what you mean, I've got a ten page report on dire wolves due on Monday." I said. "Well, I got you guys beat, I'm totally caught up with my homework, but my mom wants me to take her Christmas shopping all weekend." John said. We all groaned. "Well, I suggest everybody go home and get a good night's sleep." Tommy said. "Yeah, you're right. I'm gonna hit it." Joe said. "Good idea." I said. "I'm gonna stay here for a little while longer. I got a midterm coming up and I'm way behind." Ryan said. "Don't be too late." Tommy said as he walked out with me, Joe, John, and George. When I got home I went to bed for the night. I had a weird dream where I was fighting a dire wolf like creature. I was able to hold him off until the others came to help me out. We defeated the wolf like creature and the mega version of himself. I woke up after destroying the dire wolf like creature in my dream. "What was that about?" I asked myself. Then I looked over at my laptop that was still open. There was a picture of a dire wolf on the screen. "No more dire wolves." I said as I closed my laptop. That dream felt way too real. At that moment John contacted me. "Ariel, you there?" John said. "Yeah, I'm up. I just had the strangest dream." I said. "Me too, and I don't think it was a regular dream. It's more like one of Mesagog's warped ideas." John said. "We better contact the others." I said. "I'll contact Ryan." John said. Then John contacted Ryan. "John to Ryan. Hello." John said. "What's up?" Ryan said. "Hey, is everything okay over there?" John asked. "Yeah, I'm still studying." Ryan said. "Okay but whatever you do don't fall asleep." John said. "Easy for you to say." Ryan said. I decided to try to contact George first but he didn't respond. I got back into contact with John. "George is not answering. I think he's in trouble." I said. "I think we should check in with Joe." John said. "Joe, something freaky is going on tonight." I said. "Don't tell me, bad dreams?" Joe asked. "All of us, and George is not coming out of his." I said. "Well, maybe he needs some help." Joe said. "How about it John?" I said. "Got it." John said. We sent our powers to him and it made him more powerful in the dream. He teleported them to a alternate christmas-theamed dimension and destroyed the monster in his dream. Then he woke up. "Okay, no way am I going Christmas shopping." George said. That morning we went to the cafe. "Oh man, I'm dragging this morning." John said. "It's not like any of us slept last night." I said. "Well, I for one am looking forward to a nice long weekend where I can just, chill." George said. "I think we all earned it." Joe said. Then we heard some snoring. "What's that?" I asked. We walked over to the couch in the cafe and found Ryan asleep. "At least one of us got some sleep." Joe said. "Yeah, no kidding." I said. Two days later we got caught in a battle. The monster we were fighting looked just like the monster in my dream that I had two nights ago. I got knocked down and I also demorphed. I opened my eyes just enough to see two people standing in front of me. They were in their ranger forms. One was wearing yellow and the other one was wearing white. "Mom? Dad?" I asked before passing out. "Trent, get our daughter out of here! I'll help these guys with this battle!" Kira said. "Got it!" Trent said. That was the last thing I heard before everything went silent. Trent took me to the hospital and wanted to know what was wrong with me. Kira came to the hospital a few minutes later with John. "What's wrong with her?" Trent asked. "I have no idea Trent. Her vitals are stable but her brain patterns are wildly erratic." Dr. Walsh said. "Can you get her out of it?" Kira said. "Well, we're trying but she's not responding to anything." Dr. Walsh said. "But she's gonna be okay, right?" John asked. "Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. The longer she stays like this the more at risk she's at." Dr. Walsh said. Then he walked out. Then there was a news report about the city being attacked. "I'll stay with her." Trent said. "We'll be back as soon as we can." Kira said. Then John walked out with Kira. During the battle the monster somehow took their powers away from them. Meanwhile in my mind I find myself in a desert like place with a huge puddle of water. I have no idea where I am. "Hello? Hello? Anybody? What is this place?" I asked. Then I heard someone behind me. "Hello Ariel. Remember me?" My black ranger self said. I turned to face her. I noticed that the whole suit was black, even the helmet. "Black zeo ranger?" I asked. "That's right. Surprised that you actually knew." She said as she started to walk up to me. "But that's impossible!" I said. "Oh, it's possible and I'm still as tough as ever. The question is are you?" She asked. "What is this? I'm not gonna fight you." I said. "Then I suppose you will be destroyed." She said. I looked on my wrist and my finger only to find out that the ring that gives me two other powers, and the gem which gives me the power of super speed are both gone. "The ring and the gem, they're gone!" I said. Then my black ranger self and I started to fight each other. As she tried to throw me to the ground I grabbed her and pulled her down with me. We both got up and she threw me to the ground again. As I got back up she asked me if I was washed up already. Then she jumped towards me and tried to kick me with a roundhouse kick but I grabbed her leg and was somehow able to throw her back by a few inches and I ended up making her land on her back. She stood up after that. "I see you got a lot of fight left in you, but is it enough?" She asked before disappearing. "Wait! What are you talking about?" I asked. Then I found myself in a forest and I heard someone calling my name. Someone called my name three times. "Something tells me we're not in Reefside anymore." I said. "Or Angel Grove." My green ranger self said before appearing in front of me. "Finally mastered those moves that you couldn't do before, huh Ariel?" My green ranger self said. "Green ranger, but your powers were destroyed." I said. "You can't keep a good ranger down." She said. "Ugh, not again." I said. "For old times sakes." She said. Then we started to fight. She pushed me to the ground and pulled out her power sword. She pointed it at me as I got up. Then she tried to hit me with it but I dodged it but I somehow don't remember it having a lazer attack form. The lazers were shot at me but they landed behind me which made an explosion that sent me to the ground.

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