Chapter 16

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They were talking to each other. "You okay John? You seem kinda out of it." George said. "Yeah, I'm really worried about Ariel you guys." John said. "I know you are. The doctor did say she's going to be okay." George said. "I know. It's this whole gymnastics thing. It's just like her." John said. "You're right about that." George said. Just then Elsa and Zeltrax show up. "Oh great, the Adams family's back." John said. "Stand back John, all we want is the girl. Just hand her over and there won't be any trouble." Elsa said. "No way Elsa, you're never going to get your hands on her." John said. "I was almost hoping you'd say that." Elsa said. "You'll be sorry." Zeltrax said before disappearing through an invisaportal with Elsa. They left a note behind. "Man, what are they up to?" John asked before they walked over to the note and picked it up. John opens it and reads it. "What does it say John?" George said. "It's about Ninjor. If we don't turn Virginia over to them by the end of the day they're going to throw him in the sea of sorrow where he'll remain forever." John said. "I was afraid something like this would happen." Virginia said. "Don't worry Virginia, we're not going to let anything happen to you." George said. "But if we don't do something soon, we'll never see Ninjor again." John said. They figure out a way to not let anything happen to Virginia and they also save Ninjor. The next day they go to the hospital. John was talking to Kira on the phone. "Yes Mrs. Fernandez-Ford-Mercer. As soon as we hear anything we'll let you know." John said. "Okay, have a good day." Kira said. "You too. Bye." John said. Then he hung up. "Ariel's mom's gotta be really upset, huh?" George said. "Yeah, worst of all all the flights out of San Francisco are booked. Man, she's stuck with no way to get here." John said. "What about you man? How are you holding up?" George said. "I'm hanging in there." John said. Then he looked over at Virginia. "Oh man, Virginia's taking this really hard." John said. "Yeah, it must have been difficult being the one to find Ariel. I still don't understand what she was doing there though." George said. "I'm just glad she was around." John said. Then my coach walked up to them. "John, I just want to say again how sorry I am. I feel as though this is somehow my fault." Brent said. "It was an accident Brent. Things like this happen." John said. Then Brent walked away just as doctor Jacobs walked up to them. "Good news, she's woken up." Doctor Jacobs said. "Alright, will she be alright?" John asked. "There was no permanent damage. She's going to be on her feet in no time." Doctor Jacobs said as Virginia walked up to them. "Ah, thank goodness." Virginia said. "Can we see her?" John asked. "Sure, you better go one at a time though." Doctor Jacobs said. "John, you go ahead and go first. I'll call the others." George said. Then John grabbed my stuffed animal wolf and came into my room to see me.

Meanwhile at the park Joe and Ryan are just hanging out

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Meanwhile at the park Joe and Ryan are just hanging out. George called them. "This is Ryan." Ryan said. "Hey, it's George. Ariel just woke up." George said. "Alright, excellent, we're on our way." Ryan said. Back at the hospital John came in and sat down. "Hey, don't you know you're supposed to land on your feet?" John asked as he touched one of my hands with my stuffed animal wolf. I turned my head to face him. "Thought I'd try something different. I guess I should just stick to what works, huh?" I said as I took my stuffed animal wolf. "Oh man, you had me really scared. With everything we've been through with Zeltrax and Elsa, this has been the worst." John said. I smiled at him. "Thanks for being here John." I said. Meanwhile at the park they walk over to Ryan's jeep. Before they could even get into the jeep Elsa showed up with some tyranodrones. "Guess who." Elsa said. Joe and Ryan turned to face her. "Look, we have a sick friend to visit. We don't have time for this." Ryan said. "I suggest you make time, now." Elsa said. "Let's do it." Joe said. "Dino thunder power up!" They said to morph. "You're mine now black ranger." Elsa said after knocking Ryan down. "You'll have to do better than this." Ryan said. "Man, we could use some help." Joe said after getting knocked down by some of the tyranodrones. Back at the hospital Tommy called John. "Tommy, this is John." John said. "First of all let me say it is nice to see that you are feeling better Ariel." Tommy said. "Thanks for worrying about me Tommy." I said. "I am sorry to interrupt your visit but I'm afraid I have bad news." Tommy said. "What is it Tommy?" John asked. "Joe and Ryan have been attacked in the park by Elsa and an army of tyranodrones. They need your help. You must go immediately." Tommy said. "Alright." John said. Then George walked in. "Hey Ariel." George said. "Hey." I said. "John, I heard everything we should get going." George said. "Yeah." I said as I started to get up. "Yeah." John said. "Not so fast Ariel. You stay right where you are." Tommy said. "I guess he knows me better than I thought." I said. "Tommy's right. We'll take care of her. Get to rest. I'll talk to you later." John said. "Okay." I said. Then he kissed me on my forehead. "I'll be back." John said. Then they morphed into their ranger forms. "Dino thunder power up!" They said to morph. Back in the park Ryan and Joe are still fighting the tyranodrones. "Man, these guys are strong today." Joe said. "Yeah." Ryan said. Just then George and John show up. "Sorry it took us so long guys." John said. "That's okay, the party's just beginning." Elsa said. "Oh yeah, I see you already brought in the clowns." George said. "Alright, let's get them." Elsa said. George fought Elsa while the others fought the tyranodrones. "Hey, this is fun." Elsa said while she was still fighting George. "These bird brains are really starting to bug me." Joe said. "Yeah, I know what you mean." John said. Back at the hospital Virginia just came into my room to see me. "Virginia, hey." I said. "Hi, how are you feeling?" Virginia asked. "Better. So, John told me you're the one who found me and brought me here." I said. "Yeah, I was." Virginia said. "I don't understand, what were you doing at the youth center so late?" I asked. "Ariel, there is something I have to tell you, something you may not believe but you have to hear it anyway, okay?" Virginia asked. "Okay." I said. Back at the park they are still fighting the tyranodrones and Elsa. George did a move that made it look like he was destroyed but wasn't and Elsa noticed it really quickly. "Hey, where did he go?" Elsa said. "Elsa, right behind you." George said. "There you are." Elsa said the minute she turned to face him. George kicked her and Elsa fell onto the ground. "Oh, I hate it when he does that." Elsa said before getting up. "Alright, stay back. There's more of us than there are of you. As I always say, now's a good time for a hasty retreat." Elsa said before disappearing through an invisaportal with the tyranodrones. "Oh man. We almost had her." Joe said. "Next time Joe." George said. "Power down." They said to demorph. "Let's get back to the hospital." John said. Then they all got into Ryan's jeep and headed back to the hospital.

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