Chapter 3

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Joe was looking around. "Is this about jewelry? Look pal, clearly you got the wrong person. I may wear a friendship bracelet once in a while but..." Joe said before getting cut off by Mesagog. "I have waited far too long to allow an insignificant teenager to get in my way. Now, where are the dino gems?" Mesagog asked. "You mean those gems we found in the cave?" Joe asked. "Yes." Mesagog said. "I gave mine to John and Ariel. You'll have to ask them. Can I go? My mom's gonna freak if I'm late for dinner. It's taco night." Joe said. Mesagog disappeared. "Okay, that's it. No more cafeteria food." Joe said. Then he turned to find Elsa standing a foot or so away from him. "You'll be lucky if you ever see food again." Elsa said. Meanwhile at Tommy's house my friends and I were talking to Tommy. "We're really sorry. How were we supposed to know these things had like superpowers and those lizard things were gonna come looking for them?" John asked. "I guess isn't exactly something you see every day." Tommy said. "Sort of like a science teacher with the ruins of an ancient civilization under his house?" Ryan asked. "Like, not this isn't all really cool but seriously dude, you gotta come clean." I said. "Okay, first of all don't call me dude. Second, as hard as this may seem, you four need to forget all about this. I'll find Joe." Tommy said. Tommy turned away and I used my super speed to get in front of him. "The gem's power has already started to bond with you." Tommy said. "You can tell us all about it now, or at my next parent teacher conference." I said. Back at Mesagog's lab Joe looked at Elsa. "You got a name? You kinda look familiar." Joe said. "My master calls me Elsa." Elsa said. "You're master? Okay, whatever. I'm gonna let myself out." Joe said. They started to fight when Joe kicked her in the arm near her wrist. "Whoa, I so did not mean to do that." Joe said. Then as he started to run out Zeltrax stopped him. "Meet Zeltrax." Elsa said. "Are you two dating or just friends?" Joe asked. Before Zeltrax could hit him he used the sonic scream and started to run away. "After him!" Elsa said. Joe went through an invisaportal to escape. Meanwhile in Tommy's jeep we are driving around and when we came to a stop sign Tommy noticed a ring that he's seen before on my finger. He didn't say anything about it. He decided to wait to tell me about it. We were talking to him. "So when you said you helped create those tyranodrones you were just kidding, right?" John asked. "They weren't supposed to be used like this. Someone's modified their programming. A few years back I was doing research on combining dinosaur DNA with technology. My partner, a scientist named Anton Mercer." Tommy said before getting interrupted by John. "The rich guy who disappeared years ago." John said. "Yep, shortly after Mercer disappeared, our lab was attacked, all of our research was destroyed, or at least I thought it was." Tommy said. "And the guy who did this is back?" I asked. "He calls himself, Mesagog." Tommy said. "And you think he's after the gems?" George said. "Looks like it." Tommy said. "Look, this is all totally fascinating but how is it helping us find Joe? I mean he's not just gonna fall out of the sky and land right in front of us." Ryan said. Just then Joe fell right onto the hood of Tommy's jeep. We look at Joe and Joe looked at us. We all look at each other and got out of the jeep. "How did you do that?" John asked. "I have no idea. One minute I'm being chased by frankenlizard through this creepy lab and the next thing I know I'm a hood ornament." Joe said while getting off the hood of Tommy's jeep. "Invisaportals." Tommy said. "Whatever, next time, I'm calling a cab. What are you guys doing here?" Joe said. "We came to rescue you." Ryan said. "Nice job, way to show up when I don't need you anymore." Joe said. Then Zeltrax showed up with some tyranodrones and I noticed them. "You sure about that?" I asked. "Did Mesagog find a new goon to do his dirty work?" Tommy said. "You are not fit to speak my master's name. Come with me peacefully or suffer the consequences." Zeltrax said. "I'm gonna have to say no." Tommy said. Then they started to attack us. I was trying to fight off Zeltrax and some tyranodrones with a little help from Tommy. "Looks like Mesagog made a few improvements." Tommy said after getting hit against his jeep by some of the tyranodrones. Joe used some tae-kwon-do moves then the sonic scream. "Okay, that's just crazy." Joe said. John somehow flipped a wooden box by some tyranodrones with his foot. Then he was basically getting his ass kicked but each hit after that he used his hardened skin to block them. Ryan and George were fighting some tyranodrones. "Now you see us." Ryan said. "Now you don't because you're unconscious." George said after he used camouflage and Ryan used invisibility. After that we regrouped. "Make sure to tell your master, Dr. Oliver's back." Tommy said. "I will inform him this battle is over but the war has only just begun." Zeltrax said before disappearing. "That's the best he could do?" I asked. "Let's get out of here. It's getting late. I don't want your parents to worry." Tommy said. "I bet you don't, you might have to explain something." I said. "I'll fill you in tomorrow after school, I promise." Tommy said. The next day at school there was some kind of earthquake and the sky got dark. There was a power surge all throughout the school. All of the students began to freak out. The bioswords are attacking downtown. Then Mr. Delp's voice came over the pa system. "Students remain calm the mayor has declared a state of emergency. Please report to the front of the school for immediate dismissal. Again remain calm." Mr. Delp said. "Dr. Oliver, now would be a good time to have that little chat." Joe said. "We're out of time. If Mesagog revived the bioswords we gotta act fast. Come with me." Dr. Oliver said. We followed him out of the school and we went back to his house. "So these mechanical dinosaurs, they're your friends?" I asked. "Bioswords, fusion power replicants using actual dinosaur DNA for the neural functions." Tommy said. "Wait, let me guess, you helped build them." John said. "I'm afraid so. But right now we, I mean you have to tame them." Tommy said. "I'll bbl if it's all the same to you." John said. "What's that mean?" Tommy asked. "Be back later." John said. "John, wait. You can do this but you won't have to do it alone. Ever since I found the dino gems I've had these waiting in case I ever needed to harness their powers." Tommy said. "Into what?" Joe asked. Tommy opened a box with five morphers in it. "Dinomorphers, use these to become power rangers." Tommy said. "I got to sit down." I said. "Breath girl." John said. "We can't be power rangers, aren't you supposed to fly or have superhuman strength and stuff like that?" Ryan asked. "You do." Tommy said. "Oh yeah. I forgot." Ryan said. "Your gems are from the asteroid that crashed into the earth millions of years ago wiping out the entire dinosaur population. When I found them I recognized their powers and hid them so they wouldn't fall into the wrong hands." Tommy said. "How do you know these are the right hands?" I asked. "The gems are yours. You didn't choose them, they chose you." Tommy said.

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