"Please… Quickly… " I nod relieved, focusing completely back on his warm body on mine…

He pecks gently once more and leaves crawling back to stand up… Then disappears into the bathroom…

I immediately cross my legs after losing his warm shield on my body…  My chest prickles up in the cold due to his absence. I wriggle some more until my head is on the pillow. I lift my head and back a little to remove my long length from under my back and make it fall above me on the bed in a mess. Then laying back, I wait..

He walks back within a few minutes, confidently shirtless with a foil packet in his hand. Standing at the edge he throws the packet beside me. My gaze flickers once to the foreign object but his gaze remains fixed on me…

With his dark eyes locked with mine he drags down his boxer and pants all at once and steps out of it.

I shiver. My pores pucker up when his length springs free proudly. A haze of lust casts in front of my sight when his hard, veiny shaft comes into view.

Lord, he looks so good!

He looks mouth watering ly good. And as far as I remember my mouth watered at his sight last night too. But I didn't have the courage to get that taste. I couldn't muster enough gut to go down on my knee.

Even now that my brain is flooded with so many filthy thoughts, all I can do is lay paralysed under his intimidating stare. All I can feel is that ache getting stronger, my heart beating in my throat, my breathing rapid, making me instinctively press my thighs and knees.

A small sliver of smirk curls his lip as he climbs back to bed, stark naked. I do not even understand how that makes me shy but I look away, unable to meet his eyes for a moment. I clutch the sheets, unable to control that butterfly battle in my organs. I chew down on my lips as I feel my body flush for him…  Always just him.

And feeling all these back again after so long, feels so much better in complete senses unlike last night…

I feel the bed dip and move until he is close enough. My feet press down on the bed when he flattens his palm on my thigh. He gently caresses my knees and I press my chin more into my shoulders, my nails ready to rip open the sheets in my clutch

"Where do you wanna be…" He asks, placing his other hand on my other thigh too. His voice husky and low but clearly audible in this otherwise silent room.

Finally having the courage to see him eyes to eye, I find him still looking at my face. Waiting for me to answer. Waiting for that guidance, because he is scared to hurt me. The devotion I feel in his eyes for me is so deep rooted that it's impossible to not notice.

Even the day when he left me, I remember him looking at me like this in between his ruthless facade.

"Exactly where I am…" I decide … Because all I want is for him to take that reign and do it for me…Remind me how it was… Remind me in full sense how he could make me cum like magic.

He throatily hums …  He leans down, placing a single kiss on my left knee before he gently parts them… "You want me to do it for you?" He murmurs, but his stare, now on my wet, aching centre…

"Yesss." I mumble, almost shaking in anticipation because of just how he looks… Like he is entranced… Like he is relishing the sight…

He hums again in approval…

Bringing a hand of his near his mouth he spits a little on the tip of his index and middle finger.

I gasp and he hisses. My stomach visibly trembles when he deposits that moisture on my clit.

Indulgence ( PATIENCE #2) Where stories live. Discover now