10. Prison

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Disclaimer: Before you start reading this chapter, let me just tell you that I am not from US. Never been there. So everything is based on Google Research. Locations and stuff. Even the criminal records idea. Do not take that seriously or as an offense.

Anyways I have blabbered enough. So read away...


That bloody Asswipe has got me kidnapped.

I pierce the knife in the pancakes on the plate and dissect it aimlessly, and almost ruthlessly . Into pieces. More pieces. It seems fun at this point, imagining it as Hardin's face.

My nose flare at his name. My blood boiling at his audacity. But I shove one piece in my mouth with fork and chew on it, only because I know I need to have strength if I plan on fleeing from this Prison.

I don't know what else to say, at this point . It's like I have been rescued from one prison and shoved into the other. The only difference being, the first one by François, he hurt me physically. Where as here Mr. Scott has trampled my heart but other than that, I am practically being treated like some royalty in the confines of the hotel suite.

I fucking hate him.

I curse him mentally for the millionth time in my mind before snatching another piece from the fork with my teeth.

It has been four days. Four days since that battle between me and him. Four days since I was ready to murder him for calling me Baby. Four day since we yelled our guts out . Well mostly me. But still. His one feral growl measured upto to all my noises.

Four days since I realised that his voice has the same effect on me, Him screaming at me made me feel like a two year old. All my courage, against him went down the drain. Four days since he said I could not leave.

He said I couldn't fucking leave, Like it isn't torture. Like I don't replay, him leaving me, everytime he stands infront of me. Like it's easy.

You cannot keep me Caged..... " I scream, my throat burning from my own raised voice...

But half a second after I punctuate my sentence, I find myself being pinned to the door, a little harshly. Hardin towering over me.

" Shut up... Theresa...." My entire soul almost leaves my body at his voice, I am taken back to the penthouse, in Seattle, his bedroom... Where one angry yell from him had me intimidated . It's the same, and I succumb to that voice almost immidiately.

But how can he have me like that? ? He cannot have that effect on me... I cannot let him.

" Tessa.." I correct him in an attempt to sound strong .. But that comes out feeble. My voices mirror my confidence down  shattered on the floor.

His face reddens, his nostrail flares and he decides, "Theresa.. I will call you Theresa.... Yeah??  ". Him calling me Theresa is nothing but painful.

Collecting one drop of courage from the floor I try cutting him off again, but he screams directly on my face again. Louder . Flashing me the angry volcano that he is," "I SAID SHUT THE FUCK UP ...." 

I feel myself flinch. I feel every last drop of my anger turn into hurt, like always and I am ready to burst into tears. I try very hard to still my trembling heart and lips. And the the realization strikes me like a thunderbolt, that I still cannot bear Hardin screaming at me. Three long years, and everything feels the same.

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