The moment you arrive is the moment your heart beats faster than life itself. Possibly the last time you will see the girl of your dreams, someone you believed was way out of your league. Someone who only took pity on you and never really wanted to be with you..... how wrong you were!

You knock three times, and eventually, the door opens to reveal Sae-byeok, who was sporting a messy look; she looked sad and worried. Something you hadn't experienced in your time spent together.

"Hey." Your girlfriend says softly while moving to the side as an invitation to enter her home. The place is dark and has no curtains or blinds open. It's a dull atmosphere that makes you feel like something is off.

You followed her into the living room, where she had a blanket set in the couch with an evident dip of her location for a while. "Have I done something wrong? You've been ignoring me for ages now. Please talk to me." The need in her voice is recognisable, and to say you were shocked would be an understatement, but your mindset doesn't allow you to take this on. You simply stare forward at the blank tv screen.

She patiently waits for you to respond, giving you time and space, but she needs to hear your answers.

" what is going on in that mind of yours? Please, just let me in." Saw-byeok begs. Her brave walls crumble, and for the first time, you see the vulnerability seep through.

With a single tear rolling down your cheek, you chance a look at your girlfriend, who is still waiting for you to say something.

"I feel like I'm not good enough, like you're going to leave me, and you don't want me anymore." You sadly express your feelings. You let the tears fall at your revelation.

Sae-byeok places her hand on your knee, and the other comes up to wipe away your tears. "Why do you think that? Come on; you know that I L.. I would give up anything for you."

"I overheard you talking to someone; they said I wasn't good enough for you. I guess I let it get to me." You reply to the concerned girl in front of you.

"And did you hear what I said afterwards?" Sae-byeok replies with a slight smile bracing her perfect face. You shake your head no, which brings a little chuckle from Sae-byeok.

"I may or may not have threatened her.... I also said that I- I love you.." and there it was. Something that the two of you hadn't said to each other yet, god knows you've wanted to say it so many times. But the worry of rejection was far too great to release your feelings.

The room goes quiet, but it's not uncomfortable. You realise just how stupid you have been these past couple of days.

"You love me??" You ask quietly but just loud enough for the girl beside you to hear it. Sae-byeok looks you dead in the eyes with your head between her hands and says it once again.

It hadn't even been a possibility in your mind, let alone a reality that Sae-byeok loved you. This sort of thing only happens in romance movies and love novels. But the reassurance of this moment is her eyes searching yours, not once breaking the contact. Eventually, she leans in and presses her soft lips on yours; it's calm and gentle the way your lips move in sync with hers. It's a familiar dance routine that you've practised hundreds of times with this girl, and not once have you gotten tired of it.

You eventually break the kiss, and you stay in the same position with Sea-byeok's hands on either side of your head while she rests her forehead against yours. Lightly whispering, "you are perfect. You're always good enough."

The comforting feel of Sae-byeok's fingers brushing through your hair and the closeness that the two of you share makes the bliss of this situation far too great; things couldn't possibly get better after this.

"I want to show you something; follow me," Sea-byeok says before grabbing your hand and dragging you along to her bedroom. She places you on the bed and bolts to her wardrobe. On the top shelf inside rests an old shoebox that had been there for as long as you remember. It hadn't even crossed your mind as something important, but as she reached for the box and brought it over to you, your intrigue was heightened.

"So,,,,, this is yours. It's mine, but I mean it's dedicated to you.." she says nervously before handing the box to you. With the anxiety of wanting to know its contents, you lift the lid to be met with plenty of different muddled up papers and items. You soon realise that these weren't just any items, but ones you had gifted her. They weren't just any pieces of paper, but they were receipts of previous dates the two of you had shared, but one stuck out in particular. One that made your jaw drop and your eyes water.

A Polaroid picture that had been stapled to a ticket. The first date you ever went on with Sae-byeok. The date where she took you to the aquarium miles away from where you both lived, but that didn't matter, nor did the expense. One of the greatest days of your life and this picture is attached to the ticket as proof. Your eyes were filled with life and joy, the smile on your face is as genuine as one can get.

"I- uh. I kept anything that had to do with you. I made sure that if we went to the movie theatre, I would keep my ticket as it served as a reminder of the amazing times you have given me." After a short pause from her, Sae-byeok continues.

"Y/N, my life hasn't been easy, and you know all about me and my past. You respect me for who I am and not who you expect me to be. I wasn't living much of a life until I met you. This box is dedicated to you because you are one of the most important people in my life. Seeing you so down recently has been heartbreaking, and I just had to let you know that I love you, and you are the person I want."

You didn't know what to say, you were simply overcome with emotion, but through all this, you realised the most important thing. You had yet to say it back to her, and god knows you love her more than anything.

"I love you too, Sae."

Ethereal - Kang Sae-byeok imagines - squid gameOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz