Being A Parent

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This includes a part where the reader is uncomfortable with their body image and Sae-byeok tries to make you feel comfortable. if this is something you may find triggering, then please don't read it : )

Word counter: 900

Being a parent with Kang Sae-byeok

1. How did you get so lucky? You think to yourself. A child with both yours and Sae-byeok's features; Sae-byeok's features are prominent in your child, bright brown eyes that light up your world. They are a cheery baby who is often vocal when fussing about something, but they are perfect.

2. When Sae-byeok first laid eyes on your newborn child, she was overwhelmed with emotion. Sae-byeok was usually the more composed in the relationship, but she couldn't contain herself. She held your hand tightly while thanking you for bringing one of the most valuable people in her life into the world.

3. Sae-byeok became very protective of her little family. If anyone got a bit too close to you and the baby, She would make sure she was there to wrap a protective arm around your waist and pull you closer. She would do anything in her power to keep you and your child safe.

4. Panicking about the little things was something you didn't expect from Sae-byeok, but she was more worried than you were. The first hiccup? Sae-byeok was a bag of nerves. The first cough? You didn't hear the end of it. At the end of the day, She would always be a panicky parent!

5. Sae-byeok was quick to learn the tips and tricks of being a parent and all the extra tasks. She insisted that you let her be the one to change the diapers, and it wasn't long before she became a pro at it. Parenting was something she had a natural gift for. You believed this to be a stem from her having to take care of Cheol upon their arrival in South Korea.

6. Don't think for a second that because she loves this child so much that she's forgotten about you. When you've had a tiring day tending to your child's needs, and the screeching sound of cries come through the baby monitor during the middle of the night. Sae-byeok tells you to lay back down as she "needs you rested," but you don't lay back down.

You silently move toward the small bedroom where Sae-byeok bounces the child up and down, softly shushing your baby, all the while whispering, "be good for your mom, because we love her more than anything else" the sight and the sound melts your heart. Eventually, your baby drifts off to sleep again, and that's your cue to enter. You wrap your arms around Sae-byeok's waist from behind as you both appreciate the sleeping form.

7. A little bit of frustration starts to creep in at times, especially like the time when Sae-byeok went a bit lower south than your stomach with her fingers but was interrupted by the screeching cries. This was a fairly common theme, but no matter how many times you and Sae-byeok get interrupted. When that small being is in your arms, you wouldn't change a thing.

8. (Assuming you gave birth to the child) Sae-byeok always compliments you and how you look. The effects of giving birth left you feeling unhappy with your body. Many doubts started to creep into your mind, such as Sae-byeok not liking your figure or that she wouldn't like to raise the child with you after a few weeks. You were self-conscious to the point where undressing in front of Her was impossible, but you were a fool to think that Kang Sae-byeok wouldn't notice your behavior change.

After a heart-to-heart, you announce your worries to her, in which she responds with lots of kisses and compliments. That night as you get ready for bed, you hold your nightwear in your hands and dash for the bathroom, but as you get there, Sae-byeok encourages you to change in front of her. You take your time, but eventually, you stand before Her, utterly naked with your body on display. You hear movement on the bed as you had closed your eyes to stop the tears from falling.

You cover up your exposed body with your hands, but Sae-byeok isn't having that. She rushes to your side and puts her hands on either side of your face, forcing you to look into her stunning brown eyes. She pecks you on the lips before telling you how perfect your body was in every way, how she loved your body type because that was you, and she wouldn't change you for anything. Sae-byeok manages to get you to relax and eventually stop covering yourself. When you do, she makes sure that you know how much she appreciates you and how much she loves the way you look. ( Btw you're all beautiful!! Please remember that <3 )

9. The love and bond that you and Sae-byeok share never wavers. If anything, bringing a child into this world made Her love you even more if it was possible.

10. Sae-byeok spoils this child ROTTEN! Despite you warning her not to spend too much on your joined creation, she can't help herself. She purchases everything she can find for your baby. Including toys that will never be used, clothing that would never fit again, and teddy bears they didn't even like, but it didn't matter to Sae-byeok. She wanted you and your child to know that no cost was too great for the ones she loved.

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