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Subaru:Who should I get rid of first..oh how about the girl who tried to kill me!

Rem:I won't let you have your way witch cultist!

She charged as her morning start leaped in the air and prepared to strike him from behind,A smirk appeared on the duelists face as the Morningstar shattered by a warrior in black armor.

Subaru:thank you balmung..

The knights card was placed on Subaru's duel disk on its own,Rem soon activated her magic to create a ice shards to fire to him.

Balmung destroyed each one with ease as Subaru placed one hand over his face.

Subaru:weak...why is everyone weak *eyes showing unstable emptiness*


Puck:enough of this! I won't allow you to hurt my daughter!

Puck manifested as he created multiple ice shards each identical to one another,Subaru took a glance at puck as balmung prepared to once again protect him.

Subaru:Galaxy eyes tachyon dragon..do it

The dragon roared out as its purple markings glowed and created a field as it consumed the area close to it including the mansion.


Puck automatically returned to Emilia's necklace as he was shocked from the sudden realization.

Subaru:..someone fight me..I'm tired of weaklings..someone strong come

Subaru looked broken as the energy around his body roared out while balmung soon became coated with the same aura.

Puck:(his energy is powering up his spirit!)


Subaru:Balmung attack the maid! Underworld Slash!

The powered up balmung raised its blade and leaped forward as it roared out and swung down its blade.


Subaru suddenly stopped moving along with balmung was inches away from cutting Rem in half,He slowly drew a card from his deck as the card slowly made him shake and looked shocked.

Subaru:why..why are you in my deck

Balmung soon turned to his master and saw him falling to his knees as he began to cry.

Subaru:it's my fault...because of this Obession of our promise..that I didn't think on that day

Subaru was shirtless as he shook a unconscious Hinami on his bed,His shadow didn't resemble him at all as it possessed wings.

Subaru:Hinami! What's wrong!?

The shadow looked like it was moving on its own as it held a card despite his owner not holding any as he held Hinami close to his chest.

Subaru:I'm sorry...*tears falling close to the card below him*


Balmung turned to the great spirit behind him.

Beatrice:allow me to help your master..inside his mind their are cracks I saw it but you also know that as well


Emilia:please..let us help him get better


The dragon outside soon vanished as puck immediately manifested,Balmung stabbed his sword to the ground and gestures to Beatrice 'you may pass'.

Rem:(nows my chance to-?!)

Rem immediately fell to her knees when she sensed a malicious energy coming from the duel spirit when she looked at his eyes.

Puck:Lia..that boy he's proven to be dangerous for us

Emilia:puck..he needs help and I'm gonna help him because he's my friend

Puck:(she's acting different..I've never seen like this before)

Subaru:Emilia...I'm too broken

Emilia:Subaru..it's okay you'll be fine

Emilia soon hugged Subaru while he hesitated in hugging her back but..he felt a familiar feeling coming from her that made him finally hug her.

Subaru:(...This..feels so familiar but..I can't remember why..)

The Subaru within his mind slowly sighed out with a smile before he looked at his slowly shattering hand.

Subaru:It seems my times up...hehe I'm at least happy that I don't have to worry anymore

(Emilia..I know you can save us from this)

Subaru's lower body shattered apart leaving him only with partly his upper body and half of his face.

Subaru:man..I wish I could have told them my farewells...nah i would probably make Emilia tan cry then puck would probably try to ice me


Subaru:Live..happily..Subaru Natsuki....



Subaru was now in the library with Beatrice having her hand against his chest,Beatrice became alerted from it and asked.

Beatrice:what's wrong

Subaru:he's gone...

Beatrice:..I see..right now I believe we should form a contract it might help control the rage in your body and stabilize so you can interact again

Subaru:I see...hey I have to know why are you helping me?

Beatrice:I find you interesting...

Subaru:really? Oh Well I can't control what a person thinks of me

Beatrice closed her eyes as she felt the dragon illusion from Subaru in front of her and thought to herself.

Beatrice:(theirs no doubt..you are 'they')

The dragon roared as it soon gained purple crystal like chains around it.

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