She is of Japanese descent with long, dark brown hair that she always has braided into two braids down both sides of her head. She has a pair of honey-tinged brown eyes that accentuated the rest of her features. Her face is heart-shaped and extremely delicate, her skin unblemished and pale.

Kyan has to chase away her countless pursuers more than he can count. The two of them grew up together and have always been partners in crime. Gin has always been a fiery spirit, which matches pretty well with Kyan's own mischievous personality. They have gotten into quite a bit of trouble together back in their school years.

"I think I remember that you had a bit of experience of being a rebellious teenager yourself," Kyan fires back at the girl with a point of his finger and a raised eyebrow, waiting for her to attempt to deny it.

Gin lets out a puff of air at the words. She places her hands on her sides in a dramatic pose, as she sends him a playful glare. "That's only because you were an awful influence. I don't even remember why I went along with any of your antics back then," she fires back at him.

Kyan shakes his head and lets out a loud chuckle as he smiles brightly at her. "That's because you loved me too much to tell me no," he tells her teasingly, leaning against the bar as he gives her his best puppy dog eyes.

Gin lets out a small sigh of defeat as she lets the stony look dissipate from her face, replacing it with a fond smile for her best friend. "You're right I never could tell you no whenever you give me that look," she says in defeat, reaching out to poke at one of the man's cheeks with her pointer finger.

The smile on Kyan's face only seems to brighten at the attention from the girl. "Then would my best friend allow her favorite person to take a break from his very strenuous task of manning the bar?" He teases jokingly with a small wink pointed her way.

Gin only shakes her head as she drops her hand from the man's face. She should have known that he would use this as an excuse to try and get out of work. However, they are insanely slow, so there really isn't any harm in allowing the man to take a small break as she watches the bar.

Letting out a small sigh, she gives him a look of defeat. "Fine, but no more than thirty minutes," Gin tells him with a pointed look spread across her face.

The biggest of smiles spreads out across Kyan's face. "Thank you, Gin!" He chirps at the girl as he unties the apron wrapped around his waist.

Gin only shakes her head at the excitable man as she watches him slip into his leather jacket. "Don't bug Silas too much," she calls after the man as he makes a move to leave the bar.

Kyan only waves at his best friend in answer to the words, and she throws a knowing smile his way as she watches him slip out the door.

Kyan pauses by the light post in front of Wither as he retrieves the pack of cigarettes that is hidden inside of his jacket pocket. Taking one of the sticks out of the carton he places it between his lips, quickly lighting it up. As he takes in a lungful of the smoke, he takes a glance at the little restaurant across the street.

It isn't as glorious at night as it is during the day, but Kyan thought it still has it's charm during the night. It's floor to ceiling windows spread across the front of the building make the bright lights from inside be cast out across the sidewalk and street. The inside can be seen even from where Kyan stands beside the light post across the street.

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