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Aurora's POV

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Aurora's POV

I'm certain that Luis Sidorov is responsible for the disappearance of my brother. It's a good thing that this car doesn't need car keys because then I probably would have to catch a car. I got in the driver's seat, started the car and then backed out of the car park. Currently speed limits didn't matter, the only thing that matters is Rafael. I honestly can't get a break, each day there's a new problem, and it's like if I'm in some type of Bollywood movie. There were so many thoughts running through my head right now and I'm really worried about what they'll do to Rafael. I know how they do things in their mafia and it honestly disgusts me.

I've been driving for like five minutes and the amount of times I've blown the car horn is astronomical. To me, they were driving really slowly, mainly because they were driving at the speed limit and I wasn't. Though I was in a rush, I still respected the traffic lights, unlike some people who just didn't care and broke it, without even thinking about all the problems it would cause others.

I sighed in frustration waiting impatiently for the traffic light to change. I honestly think that Luis finds pleasure in making people's lives a living hell. I have never in my life heard anything good about him. The only thing good about him is his offspring and yes I was very much surprised when I found out that Elijah is Luis fucking Sidorov's son. Though I haven't seen what Elijah looks like now, I just know he's attractive because of how my dad described him.

The traffic light finally changed, I started driving, the car speed increasing by the second. Since I did street racing I was kind of used to driving at illegal speeds. I swear my heart skipped a beat when the annoying ringtone that Rafael set on my phone, as a prank, went off. With one hand on the steering wheel I grabbed my phone off of the passenger seat. For a second I took my gaze off of the road to answer the call. I didn't even check the caller ID. "Hello," I answered, annoyance evident in my voice.

"Where are you?" was the first thing that I heard. I recognized this voice as my dad's.

"I'm currently speeding on the highway father, how may I assist you at this point in time?" I inquired, holding the phone between my shoulder and ear, in order to adjust the rear view mirror.

"Two things," he started off. "One, I need you here so that we can discuss how we're going to get your brother back," he informed me. "Two, I was worried about you," he concluded.

"Well dad I'm very happy that you're still worried about me even though Rafael's missing and secondly did you te- OH SHIT!" I yelled out, mashing the breaks abruptly. The car came to a stop subsequently causing me to almost fly through the wind shield, luckily I had my seatbelt on.

I heard muffled yelling coming from my phone, which was currently on the car floor, face down. I picked it up and put it to my ear, while getting out of the car. "Aurora, Aurora, are you okay?!" my dad yelled through the phone, attempting to deafen me.

"Yes dad, I'm fine, but I almost hit someone, you know what I'll call you back in like five minutes," I informed him before ending the call. "Are you people crazy you could have gotten me and yourselves killed!" I yelled at the pedestrians who were standing in the middle of the road.

"We're really sorry we just need to get out of here," one of them said, looking traumatized.

"You know that there are specific areas for people to cross the road for a reason right!" I shouted in anger. "Let's think of the worst outcome of this situation," I began. "If I didn't see you guys there I would probably hit you, then I would have to remove all of your internal organs then burn or bury your bodies," I told them. When my gaze finally reached theirs they looked terrified. I scanned their bodies when I noticed that they both had open wounds around their bodies along with many bruises. "Get in the car," I demanded with a calm tone.

"Why would we trust let alone listen to some random woman that we met like a minute ago?" one of them inquired while narrowing his eyes.

"Get in the car now or I will remove all of your fingernails, shave your heads then skin you alive," I threatened, through gritted teeth. They both nodded their heads quickly and made their way to the back of the car.

After a ten minute drive I finally reached home. There was a black Audi r8 parked at the front of the house. After parking the car the boys and I made our way to the front door. I heard my dad's voice and another that wasn't familiar whatsoever. I walked in and yelled, "Father I have arrived!" Dad hates when I call him father because it makes him feel old.

"I'm in the kitchen daughter!" he replied. He still managed to match my energy even though he's angry. He might not show it but I could tell that he was furious when I first told him about what was going on. I led the boys to the kitchen, where I saw my dad speaking with some random guy. I also took notice of the two kids, who couldn't be older than five holding both of the guy's hands.

"Who are you?" I asked knitting my eyebrows together.

"DoodleBob Squarepants," he replied.

"That's a pretty nice name if I do say so myself," I told him while laughing.

"Well, since you know mine, tell me yours," he said waiting for a response.

"I'm Squidward," I responded with a smirk plastered on my face

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you Squidward," he said, releasing his hand from the little boy's to shake mine.

"I can definitely say the same DoodleBob," I responded, shaking his hand. I don't even understand how I can joke around with some random guy while my brother has literally been kidnapped.

 I don't even understand how I can joke around with some random guy while my brother has literally been kidnapped

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Published between October and November in 2021.

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