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Now in season eight, the twins have gained a bit more freedom, but that may not be a good thing...
Also, I'm making the hermits think that Evil X doesn't know about Grian and vise versa, same with the season eight additions.

Xenon/Grian POV

Xenon had just became Grian again. He was working on his cave base, minding his own business when, "Boo!" Came from behind him.

He jumped around with his scars glowing for a moment and was surprised to see his twin right behind him. "Bro what the hell?" He asked.

Xelqua smirked, "Can't I visit my itty bitty baby brother?" He teased.

Grian scowled, "We. Literally. Have. A. Little. Brother."

"Your point?"

Grian rolled his eyes and turned back around.

"I'm bored," Xelqua complained.


"Let's go to the nether and mess with Hels?"

Grian turned back around, "Hells yeah." The twins went to the portal and walked through.

Time skip brought to you by me suddenly remembering that this book exists and that it has good reads because someone added it to their reading list.

The twins arrived in Hells. Xelqua's silver hair up in a ponytail with braids framing his face. Xenon's hair down but with the braids.

There was a brawl on the streets and they paused to watch. As soon as the people watching and fighting realized who was watching they collected themselves and bowed. (The people of Hells and most kingdoms/empires in the nether and end have a special way of bowing, it's more like a curtsy.)

The twins kept walking and bought two wither roses and carried on.

They found Hels and bowed dramatically. They presented their roses. Hels blushed, "NO I DIDN'T!" And took the roses. Xelqua kissed him on the right cheek and Xenon on the left. "You look stunning today, Love," they said.

Hels blushed, "Shut up before I-"

"Before you what, you're ours and you love it! We all know that," they teased.

Xisuma's POV

Xisuma needed to talk to Grian about the massive boat pranks, (yes I'm a bit behind) he had just left his base when he saw Evil Xisuma walk towards Boatem, it was unusual for him to be away from his lair. Xisuma followed him quietly, a bit awkward around his brother because they only really spoke during videos. And sure, he was happy his brother was on the server and he had missed him dearly but he never really approached him.

He never knew which brother it was and honestly, he didn't know if his brothers were okay. Had something happened to them that got rid of one and kept the other? Why were they not actively destroying everything? He expected them to be causing havoc together, not be alone and be more peaceful than they had been in years.

When they arrived at boatem, Ex took up a quiet walk and crept towards where Grian was building. He couldn't hear the conversation but was surprised at how Grian didn't question who was there, and a little worried. Grian turned back around and said something while smirking and walked towards a nether portal with Ex.

Xisuma flew away, worried for his friend. But he brushed it off. Grian could handle himself.

Back with the twins

After relentlessly teasing their boyfriend and then dueling with him. The twins played rock, paper scissors on who got to be Grian, Xelqua won and he transformed.

The twins waved goodbye once they reached the over world and Grian picked up where "he" left off.

He brushed off a bad feeling that took root in his chest. Not knowing that Xenon and Xisuma had felt the same thing.

Hopefully I get back on track with hermitcraft stories, sorry that I left for a bit and hopefully, things get interesting here soon.

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