Important Announcement

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No, I'm sorry, this is no yet an update even though I have started working on the next chapter today and it will be done soon! 

I just need to tell you guys who have been supporting this book to this point that because of you, book 1 has been published on Amazon for preorder, to be released by x'mas 2021. It's searchable with keywords Obsidian+Sienna+frost. This is the reason book two's update has been put on hold and I'm very sorry for this. Now that it's done I'm ready to get back into writing it at full throttle. Thank you for your understanding and for being patient. 

Also, it would mean the world to me if you would help boost it up on Amazon ranking by either rating or reviewing book one. There is no need to buy a book you have already read, but a review or rating will help this book be discovered by other readers. 

Again, I'm forever thankful to have met all my readers and I will live to serve you the updates. I promise. 


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