Chapter Forty-eight

Start from the beginning

I averted my eyes quickly and focused on the camera. "I'd probably watch it again. You know, to enjoy it properly"

"So what about me?" he said

"What about you?" I asked, my eyes not leaving the camera as I ran my fingers through my hair

"How did I look in the video?"

"Are you fishing for compliments?" I said, turning to him.

He had his hands placed behind him, supporting his weight as he leaned back. He lowered his lids at me and held that action for a second before slowly looking back then cocked his head to the side and softly uttered. "Maybe"

My brain stopped working for about twenty seconds. I opened my mouth to utter a smart comeback but nothing instead I just gaped like a fish out of water. I turned back to the camera and my eyes flickered around the room. Everywhere but in his direction.

See your life. Small up and down looking, you don already malfunction.

"I think, we're done, right?" I spoke up to douse the heated environment.

"Your hair thing" he stated, still in his laid back position

"Huh?" I turned and noticed the sly smirk at the corner of his lips. He was clearly enjoying his self.

He sat up straight and pointed to my hair. "The hair"

"Oh, yeah," I said as I registered what he was talking about. I clapped my hands in front of me and faced the camera. "Yeah so... guys, if you notice this is the first time I'm ever wearing a wig on here. And that's because I just can be bothered with the whole process it takes to get wigs looking good. BUT, this wig from Izzyhair is really good an—"

"She's an influencer now" Yinka commented

"Who is influencing who?" I gave him a stink eye and turned back to the camera. "As I was saying... this hair is really lovely and you don't need to do too much on it. I literally just brushed it and it turned out this way. It's super straight and soft" I said, swaying my head from side to side as I ran my hands through it.

"You can also place an order on the type of wig you want, straight, curled, coloured. However you want it, they got yo—" my voice faltered as Yinka began to run his fingers through my hair and toss it lightly around.

"Uhm—Yeah. If you're interested, just head over to her Instagram page. They're legit— Stop" I swatted Yinka's hand away when he tugged on the hair.

"Okay, sorry," he said with a boyish grin and motioned to smoothen it out.

I moved my head away from his reach and held out my hand to stop him. "Don't touch it. I'll do it myself"

"No" he held unto my outstretched lower arm and pulled closer to him. Then he began to smoothen out the hair, gently running the palm of his hand up and down the hair in a meticulous manner like it was his source of livelihood.

I just stayed there letting him basically pet my hair and just inhaling his scent. I almost got carried away by how relaxing it felt but I remembered that we were recording and I also needed to get home really soon.

I pulled away from him and ran my palm over the hair. "Thanks"

He cleared his throat and focused on the camera. "Thanks for watching this video. If you aren't already subscribed, please do that. Also, make sure to turn on your post notifica—"

I tuned out. You really need to get a hold of yourself.


A week after the song was released, it ranked No. 1 trending music on Nigerian YouTube and No. 7 trending on Nigerian and U.K Twitter. It was doing really great. Like every proud Yoruba mother, Mrs. Coker insisted she throw a small party to celebrate her son's success.

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