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It was already the next day after their argument.

Dean looked over to the other side of the bed, only to see that she wasn't there.

She was at Jake's. She told him after they had the argument.

Dean knew they were taking a break. But why did it feel so painful?

He still had her on his mind. He couldn't stop thinking about her.

He got up from the bed, grabbing a towel and walking into the bathroom. Only to see her shampoo and conditioner on the stand in the corner of the shower, next to his stuff as well.

He brushed it off, not wanting to think about it at all.

He began to play some music to get his mind off of things while he took a shower. Taking off his clothes before stepping into the shower and turning the water on.

The sound of the shower making his music become faint. Running his hands through his hair as he felt the warm water hit his face and dampen his hair.

Until the song changed in his playlist, and he knew exactly what the song was.

It was her favorite song. Or to be exact, their song.

He remembered how he would always share and earphone with her and listen to his playlist. The both of them loved the same song and couldn't help but sing along quietly, singing together as they both hugged each other. His arms wrapped around her waist, pulling her towards him closer as she leaned into him, holding his arms with hers.

All those moments and memories they've spent with each other.. All of them have been wasted.

All those years.. Only for it to get dumped in the trash.

Dean knew this now, maybe he already knew from the start. He just didn't want to think about it.

Once you start a relationship, there's always a chance that it will end.

The argument they had last night left meaningless scars.

Her love was just a memory now.

Their break up was like a predicted ending. It was right there in front of them.

Dean stood there in the shower, one hand on the wall in front of him as the water continued to pour down onto his body.

The song changing as he stood there, not even wanting to move at all. He had too many things going on in his mind.

Without him knowing, he began to tremble. Not because the water was cold, but because he still loved her. He missed her. Until he decided to argue with her that night.

He regretted it.

He knew he shouldn't have said anything.

If he didn't, then she would still be in the apartment, allowing him to see her everyday.

Though, he knew he would get sick of seeing her repeat the same process over and over again. Coming home late, giving awkward excuses, ignoring him and treating him like a stranger.. Just like always.

In the end, he knew that the both of them wouldn't work out if she continued to do the same things, over and over again..

All those memories. The ones that were heartwarming and brought joy to Dean, turned into painful ones. Everytime he thought about them, his heart continued to ache.

It was painful.

On the inside, and on the outside.

Dean didn't notice it. At first he thought it was just the water hitting his face then making it's way to the floor, but it wasn't that.

He didn't realize it sooner, but he was crying.

He was in too much pain to keep it in. He let it all out.

His body began to tremble.

He knows he's been into many reckless fights, experiencing different pains physically. He wouldn't cry in pain, he was used to it after all.

But mentally, he couldn't stand it. He was more weaker on the inside than on the outside. He knew he couldn't handle his own emotions, they would take over his mind in the end, leaving him with mixed emotions.

Dean still stood there in the shower, tears pouring down and hitting the shower floor. It was so painful. He couldn't stand the heartbreaking break up.

Everytime he replays the moment of their argument in his mind, he always remembers her sad expression, which had always made him emotional.

Back in their high school years, if Dean found out she cried earlier that day, or if he found her in a crying state. The guy that put her in that state would be usually taught a lesson, or end up missing the next day. Dean was really sensitive and had a big soft spot for her, she was special to him.

Ever since Daehyeon joined the Union, Dean had been stressed about it.. Fighting different guys that put up fights with him, trying his best to protect himself or teaching those guys a lesson so they'll never dare face him again. But, once he met her, he felt something in his chest, like he was finally able to breathe again.

He felt relieved that he could step away from all the violence, and the Union. Seeing her relieved him a lot, he felt happy. He wasn't stressed all the time, or even frustrated. He finally had a time where he could enjoy it.

Dean shook his head, not wanting to think about it. He needed to finish up his shower before heading out into the kitchen.

Once he finished up, he dried himself with the towel, putting on fresh new clothes from the closet. Until he saw her things on the other side of the sliding closet. She didn't even bring clothes when she was going to stay at Jake's..

He brushed it off, putting the towel around his neck before walking into the kitchen, phone in his hand as he placed it on the counter.

Until he heard his phone go off.

He quickly turned around and went towards his phone. Maybe it was a text from her?


No. It wasn't. It was just a notification of the weather. Nothing special.

He couldn't help it. Just why exactly was she still on his mind? They already broken up, why can't he get over it?

The thing is, the two have been in a relationship for so long, he got used to it and didn't want things to change. He wasn't used to change.

Until now, everything changed.

His heart still ached for her, wanting her to come back. But his courage and confidence have lowered down so much. He couldn't build up the courage to even send her a message. He felt miserable.

In the end, he knew she would just ignore his messages either way. She probably got together with Wolf by now, forgetting about him and leaving him behind.

The more he though about it.. It only became more painful to Dean.

It was already too late to turn things around.

..If only he knew what to do.


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