▪︎ IV

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For the past three weeks, nothing but silence was in the apartment.

The couple barely spoke a word with each other, along with barely texting each other.

She's always going out and giving Dean the excuse of "I'm gonna hangout with Wolf. I'll be back home later."

But only for her to come back at around one in the morning.

She wasn't drunk, she was completely sober.

There was no trace of alcohol, nor the smell of smoke on her.

She only came back home with a bag filled with some stuff inside of it, things that she has bought while hanging out with Wolf.

Dean always wondered what she had bought, but decided not to go through her stuff and invade her privacy. He'll ask later when she isn't busy...

...Which was never.

She's always busy. Having plans everyday, left and right, even when she gets breaks off of work, she's always busy. Barely has any time for Dean, always using that time to hang out with her best friend Wolf, instead of her boyfriend.

It's silly, really.

You might be thinking.. Why can't Dean just break up with her already? Or, why can't she break up with Dean if she's always with Wolf?

The thing is... The both of them still love each other a lot, with all of their heart. It's just that they barely have any time together, due to her being so busy with plans left and right.

Everyday, Dean watches her exit the door. The apartment filled with nothing but silence. He was always alone. He got used to it.

She always came back home late. Always giving the same awkward excuse of "Wolf got drunk. I had to stay a bit at his place to make sure he sobered up."

Though, Dean never smelled a trace of alcohol on her, even though she mentioned she had to carry Wolf's ass all the way back to his place.

He wasn't dumb to let it slide. Of course he would question why she didn't smell like alcohol if she carried Wolf's drunk ass all the way to his house.

The same excuse as always.. "I washed my clothes at his place before leaving. I'm not letting the smell of alcohol stay in my clothes."

Though, these awkward excuses she always told him, he always let them slide. Forgiving her after everything and saying it was fine.

Dean's expectations for her were slowly decreasing each day she gave an awkward excuse, kept ignoring his messages and calls when she didn't come back home at the time she said she would come back.

What should Dean expect? She's always coming back late. She would never come back early.

He didn't know why she was ignoring him.

He didn't know why she was treating him like a stranger, even though the both of them are in a relationship.

He doesn't know why she's not smiling.

Why isn't she happy...?

What can he do to make her happy?

He doesn't know what to do.

Just what should he do?

𝑾𝑯𝑨𝑻 2 𝑫𝑶ー𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐍 𝐊𝐖𝐎𝐍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora