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dms !

jake, i need advice.

yeah, what's up?

what do i do?

what do you mean ?

i can't make (y/n) smile anymore.

she barely talks to me nowadays, it's like she's ignoring me.

she doesn't answer my calls or texts when she's out.

i'm used to waiting everyday now.

she's mostly just out and comes back home late.

not to mention but she always hangs out with wolf keum.

it's like she doesn't have time for me anymore.

my expectations for her are slowly decreasing.

she's treating me like i don't even exist.

she always gives the same damn excuse and i always believe in them.

what do i do?

talk to her about it.

tell her how you feel about her barely having time for you.

the both of you are in a relationship, right? you've both have been dating since middle school.

you're both really close with each other, even she knows you better than i do, even though i've met you before her.

tell her how you really feel, dean.

if you don't like that she's always hanging out with wolf, tell her about it.

you both need to share your feelings with each other, have a talk about your relationship and how you feel like you're becoming a stranger to her.


thanks, jake.

you're welcome, dean.

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