Questions and Answers.

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hey guys so I am going to be answering few questions people asked just to set somethings about this book straight. I know it's been a long time.... so this is it

1. What inspired you to write Tales of Mona?

it was inspired by the first poetry book I read here on Wattpad and it's still one of my favorites, But a dream by @timeisnow and also some of the stories my mum told me.

2. Can you relate to tales of Mona?

In a way yes, I didn't have the exact life Mona had but as the creator of this book I guess I transferred some of my feelings towards her.

3. Why did you kill Mona?

The book gives out she dies at the beginning. I love Mona as well as every other characters in this short poetry. But it is reality so it had to be done.

4. why did you portray Mona's dad as her demon?

I think that there's a difference between reality and dreams. Our real life situation doesn't always end in roses and it is only fair to create an awareness about sexual predators and their hiding spot. sexual predators in most cases are people we don't expect them to be. in some cases they are people we trust the most.

5. Do you think if Mona's mum paid more attention to Mona, would it make things different?

I don't think I know the answer to that question. Maybe a lot of things could be avoided. Then it might not be a story to write about

6. How did tales of Mona come about?

this short poetry started just like every other book an idea turning into an imagination. I really wanted Mona to live any other place than my head and it did.

7. what age did you write Mona

I was 16 turning 17, it's probably why there are some errors and all.

If you guys have any other questions feel free to slide in my dm

comment, share and like if you want to. Have a pleasant day.

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