Game... What game?

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Ahh my head....

Why is everything spinning?

Why is it soo cold in my room too?!


Is that rustling sound?

I woke up thinking it was way to cold in my room and also some rustling sound. It didn't fit with my cozy and warm room which should also be quiet too.

Me: ....

I am in the freaking forest?!

What is going on?

Does this make any sense?

How did I ended up here?!

Okay calm down!

If this is some joke Bakugo pulled on me again, I'll choke him this time for real!

I don't care if Aizawa needs to stop me again!

I slowly stood up from where I was leaning against the tree and immediately a piece of paper fell down from me. By the look of it, it was only placed on top of me while I was sleeping but I still had to sort out a few things before I would read it. Though that didn't stop me from noticing it and picking it up.

Me: A letter?

Okay before opening it let's see what happened.

I am still in my casual clothes since yesterday was an off day and today is Monday.

It's cold out here and I'm in a forest.

Seeing as I am cold... I still have my casual sweater and shorts on...

For some reason I was put underneath a big tree and have a letter with me?


Why does this sound like something Nezu or Aizawa would do....

Anyways how did I end up here?

There must be something I remember about getting here.

What did I do yesterday?

I was cleaning up my room and hiding some of the notebooks I have and then.. Oh now I remember a pink violet-ish gas came into my room after I finished everything and I felt soo sleepy that I went to my bed and simply laid down and fell asleep.


Then this is indeed some of Nezu's and Aizawa's work but for what reason.

Well I guess it's time to open the letter and find out.

Tho I wish they could have at least giving me something to wear or change into.

It was cold and I had a something on me that my mom made especially for me thinking that my hero costume's green color and design really fits me

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It was cold and I had a something on me that my mom made especially for me thinking that my hero costume's green color and design really fits me. I loved wearing it at home but never thought I would end up in a forest in the morning where it's also foggy.

Seeing as there was no use pondering about where I was any longer and having a piece of paper with the UA logo on it, I decided to open it and give it a read.

Notification of participation

Name: Izuku Midoriya

Alias Name: Usagi

Role: Villain

Goal: Find all the heroes and eliminate them


- no killing

That was all the letter says. Now I was left even more confused than anything else.

What the heck is this?

You do know kidnapping an UA student even if you are the goddamn rat satan himself is still a crime!

Me: *Sigh*

This really is a bad joke!

I am cold!

I am tired!

I want to go back to my room and I need to what?

Hunt some heroes down cause of a stupid exercise?!

Who are even these stupid heroes I need to hunt down?

I swear if it is Bakugo you then just disqualify me now!

I don't think I have the control to not kill him!

Me: Why can't you give me more information... AHH it's so freaking cold!

I hated the cold so much that I decided to start walking and before anything else find out where I was. So the first thing I did was trying to power-up my quirk only to find out that I couldn't.


This is weird.

Why can't I feel the power of OfA?


As I shook my head in disbelieve and put a hand on my face, I realized I had a bracelet made out of metal on me. It was thick and it also had a red LED on it. Just one look and I knew what it is.

A quirk suppression bracelet?!


I was so angry about it. First, I grew up quirkless and had multiple self-defense classes because my mother wanted me to take them and then finally got a quirk and into my dream school just to be thrown into a goddamn game for entertainment? Well not with me!

My anger got worse and the more I thought about it, the more I felt like needed to out some steam out and this was why punched the closest tree and started to kick it too.








Another kick.

At the end of my 15 minutes exercise I felt warm again and a little bit better. I managed to collect my coolness again and put a smile and poker face back on my face.

Me: You want me to track them down and hunt them like animals? Be my guest! Just don't blame me for the consequences.

With that said I went off into the woods for a good hunt. This rabbit was for sure not a prey but the predator himself.

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