Chapter Six

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Present time

"........ I left their care to you chief and its been quite a few weeks since the last time u saw them so....... l'll already inform their parent they will not be at home for the week"

P.s sayaka quite cute right( ꈍᴗꈍ)

P.s.s let Mary stay at ur estate i dont keeping the toddler apart a good idea

P.s.s.s Mary will be mad if you take yumeko from her

P.s.s.s.s have a good week


Kirari hand the letter to Mary. She miss the violet eyes.

"Staying at ur estate?"

"Yes or just leave Yumeko up to me" Kirari state now looking curiously at the violet hair toddler. Sayaka's engrossed drawing with a crayon she found on a piece of paper. 'she found ririka's crayon' Kirari thought amused.

"Wdym leave Yumeko to you?"

"What i said." Kirari reply shrugging.

"May i offer some tea?" Kirari walk to the small corner to a makeshift kitchen to prepare some tea. 'Alas not as good as her' she glance at the toddler a warm smile resting on her face.

"Can i just take her to my home?"

"Afraid not as it is now you don't have the means in such a short notice"

"Wha- listen he-"

Mary want to argue but a loud shattering stop her.

Yumeko standing beside a broken shards with plant scatter, a baton in hand. A hand on her mouth a quiet 'oops' leaving her mouth, eyes wide. She makes a moves to grab the shards probably trying to piece it together back.

Mary gasp. "Yumeko don't touch that!" She dash to Yumeko to prevent her from touching the shards. Ain't no way she want to see blood on her small hands.

Yumeko mistake it as a game of tag as she saw Mary running to her with an arm extend. Giggling she push a nearby tea cart and ride on it a makeshift ride for her. 

Making rounds on the large table the baton works as manuever pushing table leg and couch alike. Cups and pot falling and shatter to piece. Mary not gonna think how much it cost catching her little girlfriend is her priority before all the thing there broke.

Yumeko heading towards the aquarium and she look trouble now as there nothing to turn her cart.

Mary panic.

"NO!" She picks up her pace to outrun the cart.

Kirari step in.

a cup in hand.

A leg and her aquarium safe.

Kirari sips her tea no spill in sight.  One aquamarine eye peek open looking at the jetblack hair toddler for any injury.

She meets a gleaming red eye instead with a tint of admiration.

Mary's glad but before she can stop her feets she trip on the previous shards, bumping her head the aquarium glass. Kirari shakes her head to Mary recklessness.

Mary curse hand holding her head before turning and glaring at Yumeko. Poor Yumeko got scared and hides behind Kirari.

"Now now Saotome you're scaring her"

Mary regret it at once seeing a tears prick at the corner of Yumeko's eye.
She want to comfort her but-

' come on mary think think'
A memory comes to mind. She remeber when her girlfriend having a bad day. A blush erupts on her face. She not the one initiated Yumeko always does it even if she show relunctant, deep down she know she like it. A tsundere at heart.

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