Chapter Four

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Sayaka pout. Eyes so big pleading for a sweet oh so she craved when first seeing Runa eating one. She makes a grabbing motion towards Runa.

"Pwease..." A tiny shy voice spoke up a familiar blush spots on Sayaka's cheeks hand still holding up. Damn Runa for being stubborn.

Unbeknownst to Runa Yumeko has snuck up behind her . She quickly steal the packed candy stash and took off.

"Thayaka! Run!!"

Sayaka followed Yumeko out of the room her precious taser tug close to her chest. Her eyes shining at the prospect of getting a candy and pick up on her pace. Thanks to Runa exaggerated door opening their world is bigger to roam.

"NoOo! That's my candy stash!!"

Runa move her feet to catch the sneaky thief sadly the have disappear from the hallway. Those little feet is too fast.

"Runa search them i have something to do" Hizanami order now sitting on a wheelchair.

"Eh~ only me?" Whiny Runa pout.

"Ur little stunt earlier have sacrifice theirs mean to return normal n its fair isn't not?"

"....Fine" i need to retrieve my candy anyway. She thought its easy to find them as there the only two little kid.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ <<⚜️♠️⚜️>> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Hyakkou private academy is Big.

Runa has been looking for several minutes, asking people around doesn't help

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Runa has been looking for several minutes, asking people around doesn't help. By the time she arrived at the said location the two little rascal have gone poof.

My candy...this call for a change of plan

Runa call a backup. Now her whole election committee member is on the hunt. A wide bright variety of animal-type hoodie longing around the hall.

Runa's now sitting on her crown munching candies alike watching her lackies do her job. There's a slim chance her candy stash is still safe and she will take it.

Runa quickly took the intercom anf flick on.
"Sorry chief we hadn't found them anywhere"
If they did go past hyakkou's gate this will be police job and explaining the child existence will sent her (or Hizanami straight to jail) conducting an experiment on living being a student at that. As a conspirator on accident this will be bad on her.

"Check again" Runa rarely worry but her precious time will get taken away and it should be fill with candy and gaming. This though flatten her mood.



Runa scrambled to her feet and trudge towards the hallway. 

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