Chapter Two

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Sayaka gingerly walk through hyakkou private academy's gate. She's literally shining at the prospet of seeing Hyakkou 105th president again having been free from her so thought shackles. A dread did crept up to her though as she have left with vague reason. Mentally reciting her apologize speech she sped off to the council room.

Or so she thought she could.

A slim hand slitter around her body closing in to a hug efectively trapping the secretary from reaching for her taser hiding just below her skirt. A familiar softness push to her back as a giggles resound on her ears. Sayaka shiver as her ears are sensitive and she can't fight the blush taking over her face as the softness are push to her back. Harder.

"Jabami..." Sayaka state in cold tone but the blush fails to make her intimidating. "Ara Sayaka-san its good to see you too!". An innocent smile broke up on Yumeko's face.

"Hand off you vile woman!"
"But its been so long since i last saw yoouuu~~"
"That doesn't meant you can hug me! Now hands off I'll have somewhere to be"
"Eh but we're going the same way?"
"The same way? What matter do you have at student council?"
"You're so silly Sayaka-san, we're not going there"

Yumeko loosen the hug."And where will it be?" frustration crept on Sayaka's voice. Another moment waste with this woman a precious time with the president gone. Seeing that Yumeko is taken her time and smilling brightly piss her off
"Anwer me, Jabami" Sayaka seethe poking her hand on Yumeko's chest.

Yumeko pouted. "Aw you're no fun" A glare shoots to her and she complied "If u insist .. we've been called to headmistress office on immediate notice, I'm here to fetch you" that took Sayaka by surprise , her mind wander the reason the headmistress calling for her. She had finished academy's work so what is it.

"You're gonna tear my breast off if you keep gripping like that Sayaka-san" that seems to take Sayaka back to reality. She didn't realized her hand moved from poking to gropping Yumeko's titi- (Oops)."What the-" she take back her hands fast as her face took on several shade of red. The motion make Yumeko breast jiggled and Sayaka mortified.

"Let's go Sayaka-san" Yumeko said and grab her hand. Sayaka move in autopilot mode, her mind can't make an incoherent thought. She can still pratically feel the softness on her hand. Yumeko didn't seem to care though as she's talking animatedly of how her days went for the past several week.

Sayaka regain herself and slap off the hand holding her earning a pout in return. "I can walk Jabami". Arriving on the said headmistress door Yumeko head first and knock the door

"Come in"

Yumeko open the door gesturing Sayaka to enter first. Sayaka huffed mouthing a quiet thank you and enter. Yumeko following behind and close the door. The headmistress are sitting on her desk (exhibit desk)(its 'too' clean and lights on all angle) sipping a tea."Please, do sit down" headmistress gesture to the seats in front of her.
"I assume you two didn't know why you are call here, am i right" Sayaka and Yumeko both nod.

"You two has been assigned together for a work project"

"WHAT!!" Sayaka screeced in dismay Yumeko hums in excitement. Sayaka realized who's she talking too and fake cough."I-i apologize for my impoliteness but why were assigned a work project?" Sayaka ask avoiding 'why with Yumeko'. "Fortunately for you two there's a teacher who need an assist on some project and this will be your fitting punishment" the headmistress reply.

"Punisment?" Yumeko thought out loud. Sayaka seem to be in daxed too plus just hearing that she has to work together with Yumeko has taken a toll on her body 'what a bad day' she sniff a little. "Yes, you and Sayaka has fail to be productive for the past few weeks in fact worse so" the headmistress say. She point to Yumeko. "As a new transfer student you should at least show up at school and handled the work given lest you want to be thrown out first" Yumeko's eye twich."...and you Igarashi-san.." Headmistress call turning to Sayaka. Sayaka visibly flinced she thought she got an impasses as the student counsel secretary but it's the opposite it seem. "Your a model student, not to mention a pillar for this academy to function setting aside gambling your practically a board member" Sayaka's spine straighten ready for the impact.
" 2 weeks with no production plus 1 week with vague leave has thrown this academy haywire" Sayaka blance remebering her reason of absence.

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