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Childe's POV:

"That was far from enough details, Tartaglia. That was the amount of information I would expect a lowly laborer to give, but you are a Fatui Harbinger. Are you slacking off because you are too caught up in your unrealistic dreams again?" she rebuked, tucking her notebook away and crossing her arms.

Her words just added fuel to the hot angry flames in the deep depths of my soul. Not only did Y/N insist on taking our conversation somewhere improper, but she also took the chance to comment on how much better she was than I am at the job. My blood boiled hearing her spin tall tales that showed her apparent "expertise" in every area. I wished fervently to wipe that smug smile off her face and stop her from treating me like a disobedient child.

To many in the Fatui, Y/N was the best; the highly intelligent skilled fighter who was practically invincible (by human standards, at least) and the stealthiest spy ever who seemed to be able to turn invisible and remain unseen at will. But under that pretty face and all that talent, she was just a jerk who loved to push me around.

I wondered if even the archons were charmed by her. Zhongli certainly seemed to approve of her good posture and commanding voice, and I could've sworn I noticed a flicker of familiarity flash across Venti's senses. They couldn't be friends, could they?

"It was a small, simple mission. What's the big deal?" I demanded to know, arms akimbo.

Of course, as a perfectionist, she stood her ground perfectly and came up with numerous reasons why more information was required in no time at all. One of said reasons was the great importance of the mission. I knew all that to be a blatant lie; it was neither urgent nor essential. However, she was a highly respected individual, and whatever she said was usually whatever was done.

Then, she gave me a choice.

"Either head back to Snazhnaya to find more detailed and actually important information or continue dining with those fatuous friends of yours in Liyue while I file a complaint to Her Majesty. Choose wisely, Tartaglia," she clicked her tongue.

The former would force me to abandon my quest in Liyue which was actually essential in the Tsaritsa's divine plan, as well as my plans to catch up with my close acquaintances. However, the look on her face made it clear that unless I did not wish to be beaten up, there were no real options at all. A lump formed in my throat as I was rendered speechless. Trapped between the devil and the deep blue sea, I was in a dilemma, as the wrong decision would definitely get me on the Tsaritsa's bad side.

"Hurry up!"

The spy's shrill voice snapped me back to reality. "Okay, I'll go back to Snezhnaya. Let me inform my friends first, at least," I pleaded and dashed back to the restaurant as soon as she gave a curt nod. Huffing and puffing, I called out, "Hey! Venti! Zhongli!"

Abruptly, they spun around to face me. Relief was evident on their faces as I came to a stop before them. "Mora is here!" Venti exclaimed, grinning from ear to ear.

My head spun with confusion and I looked at him quizzically as I tried to comprehend why he had said that. That was when I realised that they weren't staring at me.

Their eyes were fixed on my wallet.

Spying on the Wind | Venti♡ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now