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Y/N's POV:

Dark clouds hung ominously in the sky as if warning me to be cautious. Lightning flashed and thunder roared, making the night seem like an eerie scene from a horror movie. A chilly gale blew, accompanied by a torrent of rain. Shivering slightly, I abandoned my temporary camp and began my ascent up the snowy mountain.

Shielding the pendant as well as my weapon, I recalled the day's events with glee. The treasure hoarders whimpering in agony; their faces when the treasures they painstakingly smuggled into the land were taken away; blood splattered everywhere, dyeing the snow red; chests of treasure shoved into my bag; colorful blooms the likes of which I had never seen... A truly exhilarating and memorable day.

Collecting the mist flowers "guarding" a cave's entrance, I stepped into the cave and admired the ethereal beauty of the flowers I got earlier. Where had the Treasure Hoarders stolen them from?

I abandoned my bloody maroon coat in a corner. All of a sudden, a soft melody pierced through the pin-drop silence. Alarmed, I whipped out my razor-sharp polearm and scanned my surroundings. My ears, forever sharp, caught the sound of an arrow slicing through the air. Under the faint moonlight, I pinpointed the arrow's location and successfully dodged the next one.

Gingerly, I picked up the first one and studied it under the moonlight. Upon recognition, I let go of my blade unwittingly and stared at the arrow in consternation.

A figure came into view. He looked just as surprised to see me as I was to see him. Who would wish to explore an ominous dark cave secluded from the rest of the snowy mountains which was already difficult to climb? Staring intently at something in my hands, he heaved a sigh of relief and put down his bow.

"Sorry," he said with an apologetic look. He scratched his head and explained, "I thought you were one of the Fatui. Anyway, where'd you get that cool blade?"

I threw a glance at the stolen weapon in my hands and fell silent, but then realized that that would be too suspicious. Wheels were turning in my head till I came up with a brilliant excuse. "Uh... My friend found it somewhere."

Cheeks flushed and ears red, I realized it was pretty obvious that I lied. However, he didn't comment on it, perhaps because it was pitch black, or because he just wasn't paying attention to me anymore. Zero attention span, I thought, shaking my head, but who was I to judge?

My suspicions were confirmed when he grinned and asked a totally irrelevant question, "So, did you happen to come across the Treasure Hoarders on this mountain?"

"Are you searching for them? They're gone," I smirked and showed him the mysterious flowers I collected. "These were found at their hideout."

His eyes lit up like the stars in the dark night sky.

Spying on the Wind | Venti♡ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now