30. España

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Spain P.O.V

It was a beautiful sunny day and I was out in America's huge back garden watering some tomato plants. Tomatoes are my life and I'm glad America let me do some farming here.

"Ah, this is wonderful." I sighed happily as I looked at the patch of land where I had planted some tomato seeds.

"I'll water you everyday so do your best and grow into big plants!" I patted the damp soil affectionately as if it were my own. Good thing I'm alone, otherwise someone would take me to the mental hospital.

I closed the hose after watering and inspected the patch of land. I walked around, looking for any grown tomatoes. It didn't matter if they were still raw. Finally, I found a few green tomatoes.

"I can't wait for you to get ripe." I grinned, "Once these are ready, what should I make with these tomatoes?

I sat down on the grass and looked at the sky. 

"It's a beautiful day... birds are singing, flowers are blooming... on days like these-"


I turned back and found ____ running towards me. As she ran, she was screaming my name and all of a sudden, her foot got tangled in the hose and she tripped, face down. 

"F*CK!" She swore out loud.

In case you were wondering, this is the girl I like. What I like most about her is how she doesn't care about others hearing when she swears. In a way, she's kind of like Romano.

Laughing, I walked up to her and stood in front of her. 

"Do you need my help?" I asked.

"Yes please." She looked at me pleadingly. That's weird. She's usually full of lectures about how a girl is able to stand up on her own without a man. 

Nevertheless, I held out my hand to her, which she held tight and I pulled her up. She then decided to pat her jeans and shirt clean while still holding my hand. Man, I felt tingly. 

"You're still holding my hand." I said. 

"Sorry." She let my hand go, without any sort of emotion on her face. Way to get my hopes up!

"By the way, why did you call me?" I asked.

"I tried my hand on some tomato soup. And I know how much you're obsessed with tomatoes, so do you mind if I borrow that tongue of yours for a taste test?" She asked.

That sounded very tempting, that last part especially. 

"Sure, I'd be glad to!"

"Just make sure you don't go all Gordon Ramsey on me, okay?" She nudged my arm and grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Show me the way already." I put an arm around her shoulder while we walked to the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and waited patiently. She quickly grabbed a bowl and spoon, poured out some soup and placed it in front of me. It had a beautiful smell. I could recognize most of the garnish and ingredients she used. It had a nice creamy red color too.

I took a spoonful, made sure it was warm and drank it in one go. Before I knew it, I drank the contents of the bowl in one sip. Damn, it was so good.

"This is wonderful!" I accidentally slammed the bowl on the table excitedly.

"Don't get so worked up, Spain. Want another hot bowl to cool you down?" She asked.

"Of course. Load me up, please!" I grinned and she happily took my bowl for a refill. She came back with a bowl of soup for herself too.

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