2. Germany's Shitty Wurst

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Next Morning

The sun shone through the curtains and you were half-asleep. You turned around to avoid the sunlight on your face.

A little later, someone came in and gently shook you.

"____-san, It's time to wake up," You recognized that voice. It was Japan.

You groaned, "Mmh.... No. Lemme sleep a little more...."

Japan sighed, shook his head and left the room.

Five minutes later, you heard heavy stomping. It was getting loud. Which means, whoever it was, he's mad and is coming nearby.

Suddenly, my door slammed open and whoever came in shouted,


You immediately recognized the voice, but chose to stay in bed. You groaned again,

"Germany, what do you want? Lemme sleep!"

But Germany didn't listen. He just swung open the curtains which flooded in the daylight and tried dragging you out of bed.

You shouted, "STOP, STOP! I surrender!"

Germany let you go and you stand up groggily.

He scolded, "Scheiße! You are just like that Italy! Luckily, its easier for me to pull you out rather than him!"

You just looked at Germany in silence while he continued,

"Seriously! I can imagine the look on your man's face when this happens after you get married,"

Your cheeks went a slight shade pink.

"Are you for real?! You're starting to sound like my mom!" you yelled.

"What a hopeless situation," He ruffled his hair.

"Hopeless situation" my ass!

"Yeah, yeah. Enough with the morning lecture. I'm going downstairs," you grumbled.

So, you went downstairs, still sleepy.

Japan greeted, "____-san, Good morning!"

Italy greeted too,"Good morning,

You said, still feeling uptight, "G'mornin' Japan, Italy."

Italy looked at you with concern and said, "Are you okay~?"

"I'm good," you said as you sat down and chowed down your breakfast in only two bites.

"Huh? _____-san, you're done already?" Japan asked.

"Yeah. I'm just gonna go out for some fresh air," you said as you went out to the lawn.


"This morning was such a hassle. She was pretty mad too. Why am I feeling guilty?"

Nein! Something is wrong with me! But what?

Ah, maybe I'll make some wurst for her.

I went downstairs and and asked Japan,"Where's ____?"

"____-san? She's sitting in the lawn," said Japan looking from his 'Edo News' newspaper.

"Whatever for?" I asked.

"For some fresh air~!" said Italy.

I went in the kitchen and made some wurst.

-Third Person-

So, you sat outside on the grass. A soft breeze blew your hair.

You sighed. You felt better after breathing fresh air.

"____!!" Germany called.

"What the hell do you want?!" You shouted.

"Just come inside!" he called.

You got up, went inside and called, "What do you want, Germany?"

"I made wurst. Want some?" he asked.

"No thanks," you said.

"Wurst? I hope this one tastes better!~" Italy pouted.

"It tastes good. Don't worry," said Germany.

He gave a plate of wurst to Italy and me.

"Eat it. If you want," he said, looking at me.

You never seen wurst before and it looked mouth watering.

You didn't realize it but you were drooling.

"____, you're drooling," said Germany noticing that you want it.

"Huh? I said I didn't want it!" you said as you wiped off your drool.

"I didn't ask if you wanted it or not. I said you were drooling," Germany crossed his arms with a smirk.

"Uh. I'll eat it," you said hesitantly.

You sat down and was about to eat.

Just then Italy whined, "By the way, Germany! Did I tell you that your wurst tastes like shit?"

You looked at Germany.

He said, "It doesn't! Shut up, Italy!"

"D-don't tell me you sneaked some shit in here when you made this?" You eyed Germany suspiciously.

"Why the hell would I sneak shit in wurst?!" Germany shouted.

"I don't know? Revenge?" you said.

Germany sighed, "Just eat,"

You nodded, cut off a piece of wurst and ate it.

"It tastes like shit, doesn't it?~" whined Italy.

"No," you said.

Italy and Germany blinked in surprise.

"Its actually pretty good! I'm happy this doesn't taste like shit," you said.

"Um, could you leave the shit thing behind?" Germany asked.


Rewritten on 27 May 2016, Friday ☆

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