chapter one

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*knock knock*
A smile instantly grew on my face when i heard the loud bangs on the door. George was here to film a new youtube video, i'm thinking 'Minecraft but my friend is a fish' but i'll see what George thinks.

My heart began to race as i came closer to the door.
What the fuck is going on? Must just be nerves i thought to myself.

As i answered the door, i greeted George with a grin and a subtle "hey", but he glanced up at me with a scowl on his face, as if he was sad. My heart dropped i couldn't wait to see George, yet he seemed almost annoyed that he's coming round mine.

"Are you alright? You seem a little upset" i questioned George.

"Yeah, yeah i'm okay, just a little tired that's all." George muttered.

"Oh,right" i spoke as I shuffled to the left whilst motioning with my hands for George to come inside.

"I'm excited to record the new video, i was thinking on the way here, we could do something including  fish, that would be pretty funny." George said with a smile forming on his face.

My face immediately lit up at the fact both George and I thought of the same youtube idea. We sat down in our gaming seats at the desk, and I handed George a pen and paper, and we began writing down our thoughts.

We shared our ideas , i double checked the mods and we began recording after a period of planning.

It's terrifying to record with the camera on since i'm so used to not showing my face, but after much pestering from my followers, I finally did.
It was hard to do the face reveal, I received a lot of hate comments, including people urging me to put the mask back on, saying i should quit youtube, and even tell me to kill myself a couple of times, but I know better than to listen to those remarks.

I'm more confident in myself now, and I don't mind if a bunch of 11-year-olds aren't happy with how i look.

But then I got millions of wonderful comments, some of which made me cry. It gives me comfort to know that I am helping individuals get through difficult situations, and it encourages me to keep going. I can barely get out of bed some days, but the thought of making someone happy when I start streaming or posting a video helps me so much.

Chat might be irritating at times, but I adore them. They always manage to make me happy, even when I'm in a bad mood.

George begins the video by waving to the camera and announcing the topic of the day's video. One of my favourite things to do is film with George; he never fails to entertain me. Just listening to him ramble on is enough to keep anyone from getting bored.

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