That Night (Korbins POV)

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Korbin's POV

We have been looking for these guys for the past month. I'm tired of the long nights waiting on the side of the road for possible drug dealers to come speeding by.

My heart breaks that I don't get to spend as much time with Maddie as I used to. I work long hours just trying to put food on our table. People don't appreciate how much police do for the community.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts when I hear someone talk through the CB.

"Scott where are you?"

"The main road between Parkview and Kingsville at mile marker 143. Why?"

"Turn you radio on."

"Tonight on Channel 3, there has been a report on some run away drug dealers. They are thought to be between Parkview and Kingsville. Stay safe on the roads."

That's where I am.

This could be it. The night we get these guys.

I'm checking out my window looking for anything that might be out of the ordinary. My adrenaline is pumping too much to just sit here so I start driving.

There are a lot of other cops out here tonight. All of them have their lights on, including me.

I've been driving but I haven't seen anything suspicious.

That's when I heard a loud bang. It was too loud. It had to be close. It was coming from behind me.

I turned the car around and started driving toward that direction.

I saw cars on the side of the road, and some just sitting in the middle of the road, and one that was rolled over on it's side. People were inside.

"Murphy, Smith we need backup on Highway 29 mile marker 146 right now!" I speed talk through my CB.

I get out of the car to calm down civilians and to check on the people in the car.

There was an older man on the driver side and a younger woman on the passenger side. Both of them unconscious.

"I need an ambulance at the scene! Hurry!" I don't think i've ever seen anything like this in my 2 years in the police force.

There is glass shattered everywhere and I want to help them myself just to make it faster. I can't just wait for someone else to show up but if I did anything I would probably make it worse.

The man looks in poorer condition than the girl. His shoulder looked to be dislocated and his head had hit the steering wheel definitely causing damage. But he didn't have his seatbelt on.

I can't say the same for the girl. She was wearing her seatbelt and her airbag had popped. Not before her head hit something though because it was bleeding.

I see people trying to gather a round the car. Nope. Can't let them any closer.

"Everyone please get back in your car unless you have an injury. Help is on the way."

Moments later the ambulances are pulling up and the paramedics are getting out to get supplies to get these people out of this car.

By this time many more police officers had arrived at the scene and had found the car that the dealers were in, but they were gone. And there were no drugs in the car either.

"I saw someone running into the woods."

I heard a civilian say.

That got the attention of some police officers and they split up and ran into the woods to find them.

"Scott help me get this door off." Smith shouted as he was bracing himself for a good pull.

We pulled. It took multiple tries but we got the passenger door off. In order to get the man out, we have to get the girl and then go through the passenger side to pull the man out.

We got the girl out and her injuries were worse than I thought. She had little pieces of glass stuck in her stomach and there was a huge cut on the side of her head. She definitely had internal bleeding.

"Scott you get in the back of this one and I'll get in the back with the man." Smith called out to me as I hopped in the ambulance and the paramedic drove to the hospital.

There were multiple times where she would come back conscious and then she would go out again.

I felt bad for them. They were probably having a good night until some drug dealers hit them.

I'm not gonna let those thugs get away with it. I'm gonna catch them if it's the last thing I do.


This chapter was also small. But the next chapter will be an official chapter and hopefully it will be longer!

Now we have met the two main characters!

I can't wait for them to meet!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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