Chapter 10: "The hairy baby is trying to go somewhere"

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Tadashi, Baymax and I were heading home from another hard day's work at the SFIT.

"I really hope Max won't show up at the cafe today. If he does, I'll mould his face to look like Mr Potato-Head. With my fist" I balled up my fist, punching it into my other hand.

"That is physically impossible" Baymax spoke matter-of-fact-ly.

"I know, buddy. It was just-"

"An expression" Baymax turned his attention back to the path in front of him.

"We're home aunt Cass" Tadashi pushed through the door, throwing his bag on a chair.

"Where is everyone?" I looked around. By now there's usually a tsunami of customers ordering aunt Cass's best pastries.

"This is weird" Tadashi signalled for me to follow him up the stairs.

Suddenly, Mochi ran out of the kitchen and started meowing like crazy.

"Hey, Mochi. What's up?" I struggled to pick up the heavy cat "You should really lay off the donuts, buddy"

He kept meowing, his meows got louder and more desperate by the minute.

"What's up with Mochi?" Tadashi looked through all the rooms, searching for aunt Cass.

"I-I don't know" I replied, patting Mochi's soft fur.

Mochi then jumped off from my arms and ran into the lounge room. He looked back every once in a while, signalling for Tadashi, Baymax and I to follow.

"The hairy baby wants to go somewhere" Baymax pointed at Mochi and followed close behind.

"He sure does" Tadashi stopped when Mochi tried to jump onto the table, but due to his weight, couldn't.

"Here, I'll help you up" I picked him up and set him on the table.

Mochi sat down beside a piece of paper with a note scribbled on it. Familiar, incredibly messy handwriting.

'Hello Hamada Brothers,

Your precious aunt Cass cannot be with you right now. She's got some. . . Business to help us take care of. If you love her, you won't try to look for her,

Sincerely, you figure it out'

"What is this?" I handed it to Tadashi. He skimmed the paper, his eyes widening.

"Hiro, you do realise what this means?" He looked me in the eyes, waving the paper in my face.

"No, what does it mean?" I asked, watching Mochi walk over to the door and meow, beckoning me over.

"Aunt Cass has been kidnapped. Taken hostage!"

"Wait, what!?" I followed Mochi.

He meowed, putting his paw in front of him and tilting his head to the side.

I knelt down.

There was a hair on the floor. A hair I immediately recognised as belonging to Max.


"Yes, bonehead?"

"Look at this" I showed him the hair.

"Yeah, it's a hair. What about it?"

"Max never came upstairs the other day, yet this is Max's hair! This can only mean he's kidnapped aunt Cass!"

"I knew there was something else going on with that guy"

"Come on, let's get the gang and suit up!" I rushed to the door and stopped when I noticed Tadashi wasn't coming with me.

"Tadashi? Come on!"

"If you love her, you won't try to look for her" he recited a line from the note.

I sighed "Tadashi, haven't you ever seen a movie? The bad guys always tell you not to look for the victim. You wanna know the difference between them and us? They weren't super heroes, but we are!"

"But Hiro-"

"No buts. Let's go"


(Third person view)

"Hello Cass" the mysterious man traced his chubby forefinger along Cass's face.

"Let me go!" Cass struggled through the duct tape covering her mouth.

"Do your nephews love you?" The man asked.

Cass have him a death stare and nodded a quick 'yes'.

"Then, your hopes of seeing daylight again are gone"

"What?" If she wasn't tied to a chair with the strongest rope in San Fransokyo, she would've hit the man square in the face.

"My assistants" Max and Jacob entered the room "Left a little note. What did it say?" He gestured to Max.

"If you love her, you won't try to look for her" the evil associate recited his note.

Cass was lost for words. What if she would never see the light again?


Big Hero 7 *Sequel to Disney's Big Hero 6* #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now